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Everything posted by deenad

  1. deenad

    Cats and RVing

    We have seven cats, all of which we take with us. Each has their own place to lay or hide when in motion. One likes the back of the couch, two like under the chair, another likes back in a cubbyhole by the bed, one likes on the floor between us, and once in a while one will want up in my wife's lap. (Wife is deceased as of Aug. 21st, 2016) Once we stop they show up, although one starts "yelling" at me to get the kitty Kondo's out so she can go out. The oldest is 16 and the youngest is less than a year but we haven't taken him out to the MH. Deen F47302S
  2. deenad

    Tire replacement time?

    Here's Michelins "official" stance on cracking. This is from the Michelin RV Tire Guide. "If the cracks are less than 1/32" deep the tire is fine to run. Between 1/32" and 2/32" the tire is suspect and should be examined by your Michelin dealer. If the cracks are any deeper than 2/32" (1/16") the tire should be replace immediately"
  3. I've had two, one on a '98 Santara 460 and now on the '02 ISC 350. Both have been WELL worth the money, maybe not for fuel economy but for the extra power.
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