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  1. jhofeditz


    Hi, I have a class A motor home with 4-6 volt batteries I need to replace. Should I stay with 6 volt or go to 12 volts? Wet or gel? thanks
  2. jhofeditz

    Dash Air

    Run generator and roof air, you will get better fuel mileage
  3. jhofeditz


    I need to replace my 4 house batteries. What are the best type of batteries for the money?
  4. What are the best coach batteries for the money?
  5. I have a 2000 Holiday Rambler. Some things are starting to not work like the AC and the furnace. Should I replace or repair? thanks John
  6. jhofeditz

    Engine repair

    Has anyone had any experience with Mid Florida Diesel in Bartow Florida?
  7. My inverter is not working. I have a 2000w Trace. What is the best replacement?
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