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Posts posted by manholt

  1. My DW uses the GPS, unless we are in a city, town, I don't pay attention.  Having a photographic memory, my road map, underpass heights, etc is in my mind, in color! 😂 

    I wish the Gov't would return the Analog and take the GPS back!  GPS has glitzes  built in to it, by the powers that be, that's why you can get lost or on the wrong road, by following it without doing as Richard said.  

    jberringer....get a updated Truckers Atlas, you will not regret it.

  2. Joel.

    2006 was not a good year for Beaver (they filled BK in 2007).  Have you tried to contact the Beaver Owners (FMCA) Chapter?  Also, there is a Beaver Dealership in OR.  Only one I know on this Forum is Doc J.

    Sorry I can't help more.

  3. I have wondered, who gets the "Report Post?"  Unless its Moderator or IT, it does no good!

    We also got some non-RV owners, when we offered Verizon!  How so?  There is no verification of coach ownership by FMCA,  its on the honor system!

    If you want to be dishonest, throw a F# out there & pick an Avatar & your on Forum!  To my knowledge, there is no cross check.

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