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Posts posted by manholt

  1. We took the I-635 thru Dallas yesterday, mostly in the HOV (Express) lane, speed limit 75, no traffic to speak off.  The "Free I-635" had stop & go, wall to wall traffic and a 60 mph limit.  If you want to test your shocks, I-635 is the road to take, 50/50 air born at 50mph! 🤬  HOV=smooth! :wub:

    Wayne, Yes!


  2. I suspect water damage, that was makeshift fixed by original or last owner.  Mid cabin, how close is that to a AC unit or fan?  Also, Sky light.  We have had a lot of storms in the past 3 years, like Hurricanes!  If the coach was fixed by insurance, their would be a record under the VIN#.

    I just went thru this with my current coach, in rear bath, previous owner lived in Harris County, TX. and coach got water damage thru rear AC, per Progressive they cut a check to owner (bad idea), owner took coach to IN., and traded for a new one!  We got it fixed at NIRVC, along with a lot of other items....we are here now, in coach and leaving today!!! 

  3. Gary Roe, I suspect you have, Kwiiki,  or Lipper, manual steps that you fold in and out by hand and they don't hinge into its own box!  Our step cover, slide over the interior step well and the outside steps fold in on itself and stays flush with chassis...motor driven and a on off switch, auto, open door & step comes out, close door and they come in!  

    The first auto steps I had was in a 1987 Barth Class A coach, mid entry and it had a electric step well cover!

    Don't know if you can adapt to a 2000, 5'er, rig...HWH or Lipper industry (they bought out Kwikii).  Try the internet to see if there are adapters for each unit, or call HWH or Lipper!

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