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Posts posted by manholt

  1. So, if the OP want's to spend a LOT of money, to pursue his legal option, he would have to go after Ford, not the coach manufacturer! Even though I'm sure the manufacturer knows all about this, but that you can't prove!


  2. Bill. Your right. Because we now own diesel, we forget about the years of gas. :o

    When I stop and reflect on my RV past, I start remembering the really good times I had in 22' to 32' class "A"'s! With the exception of one coach, they all had rear baths and bunk beds! The lower for sleeping, upper was storage. Bath was large! My engines was 440 or 454 aspirated. We did most of our cooking outside and had none of the modern day "stuff"! Nobody had a toad until the early 1980's... :blink::P We spent a lot more time outside, inside was reserved for rainy days and reading a good book or playing games...my first built in TV was on a 87' Barth. :(:)


  3. George. Welcome to the Forum!

    I think you'll find out that your trip from Las Vegas to Denver, will be no different than from Phoenix to Grand Canyon. No matter which road you take to GC, you'll be going over mountain passes and up/down mountains!

    If you take it easy and watch the weather you'll have a great time no matter the RV you drive!

    Enjoy the US, just as I enjoy Canada!


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