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Posts posted by manholt

  1. Leary. LOL, that is one "BIG" dog! I have never been asked about that one....I had a 42# mixed breed for 15+ years and put her down last July...if I was not 73, I would love to have a Flanders or it could have me! If I remember, avg. female 120#, avg. male 140#! Great temperament around pretty near everyone and everything! :wub:


  2. Tiny houses, are what the name implies. Think of it as a very small and short Mobile home! They really have nothing in common with a trailer, other than an axle or two!

    Ditto for me Bill.


  3. Herman & Bill.

    Since mine did not come with any records, that is the reason I just blew $3,400+ at Cummins, glad I did! Still have Aqua Hot and brakes that TCC will do in April/May while I'm in Europe. Bearings will be changed over to oil bath...thank you for that info!


  4. Oneway, I remember your first post. Sorry that your having this problem! :(

    I would call both places. I only have experience with Texas Custom Coach, last month, my post is on this Forum...very happy with work and price! They can fix anything or build you a brand new coach! They do gas/DP's/5th or custom horse trailers ($250K+) make you wish you had a horse... :lol::P

    $38K is pathetic! :wacko:<_<


  5. Between Bill, Brett, Joe and ObedB, there is at least 150+ years of hands on experience in all things chassis, diesel motors and axels...from trucking to DP's. I do not question what they have to say! :) Actions in my book speak louder than words!

    Having said that. When, from another tread, you have to carry a can of WD-40 to operate items on a brand new $1,800,000 coach, then yes, there is something seriously wrong with the industry as a whole! :angry::blink:

    Not too long ago, you got a coach built by the Amish inside and out, you knew you had a good coach! :) Not so today...flimsy! :(:wacko:


  6. Joe.

    So am I since my bill was already pushing $3,800....final came in at $3,439.53, that includes the 10% discount for Cummins Power Club! When your having a full service on engine and generator, with a radiator flush, replace thermostats , CAC cleaned and pressure tested and all belts replaced. The cost goes up! If you had seen my main belt, hanging on by a quarter of an inch, you would understand why I feel it was $$$ well spent!

    I sleep so much better now! :wub: Only service I have left is Aqua Hot.


  7. Indio, Ca. They have always been a hassle to deal with...too much Hollywood, I would expect! Only place I ever had a problem in any of my coaches, so leave Indio alone!

    To my knowledge Nation wide, Supper C is no problem! The only once that run into it every once in a while (mostly FL.) is the custom built Renegade and trailer...there is no "box" for them to fit in. They are not an A, B, or C.....but you can walk from cab to living area of coach, therefor your OK in FMCA!


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