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Posts posted by manholt

  1. Good grief, I'll die of thirst first... :blink: Last seen your pigeon was on a suicide mission to the "Cibolo Guest Ranch"! :P<_<

    I have black streaks on some off my wheels and South Plaines Cummins will look at it the 24th. I have given them a wish list that will take, per them, 2 days to complete! Normally, I would do some of it myself and I would also stay with the coach, but I will be entertained with recuperating from dental implants! :(-_-

    It may be just soft cheese and wine, no crackers in Perry! I doubt the pigeon will catch up to me... :lol:


  2. Since we all have a DP, perhaps it is difficult to think GAS.... :rolleyes: I have thought about and still thinking off adding a Banks to my Jeep! I did add a Banks System to my 97' Allegro. Results where impressive in every category, except fuel...$2,100 installed and a .02 mpg increase does not equate. Since all of Gales testing is done at Salton Sea, maybe that makes a difference, I don't know! :unsure:

    There are a lot off older gas and diesel coaches out there that runs Bank System, I guess if it was bad for a 18 year old coach, we would have heard about disclaimers a long time ago! Don't remember when the first system came out to the consumer, but per his father in law, he was working on it in 82'! Father in law was my dads best friend in Santa Monica, CA. :P


  3. I too am single and a life member of NRA. Having said that, I do carry a weapon in the coach and several deterrents. My gun is well hidden, because I don't want to replace a window or clean the coach. The people that want in and also do you harm to get what they want, money for drugs, are less likely to do so, if they can see that your armed and ready. In my case, I carry 2 double barrel 12 gauge...just the barrels! One is clipped to the driver side and one on co-pilot side, so when you look in window, you'll see about a foot of the barrels & both are lit by a night light ! Been using them since 1978 & never had a problem!

    I will take a guess that 20% of the Forum members, when the need arises, will shot first and then ask questions. The rest will be shot and probably by their own gun! That's the biggest problem with a carry permit, shooting at targets, is not the same as shooting a person! The words, "STOP", "HALT" and "DROP YOUR WEAPON". Only applies to Hollywood!!!

    Problem with a Taser is that you got to be up close and in the persons face! I like wasp spray, get that on a perps face and eyes, they will not want to do anything for several hours and the up side is you won't have to worry about wasps in your rig!


  4. FIVE. Yes I run my Inverter, but the inverter can't run heat pumps, so when cold or hot, I'll run gen. to get both or a variation off all 3 choices...like Aqua Hot and refrigerator.

    One time, I had AH and tile heat on...going down the road! :D


  5. I went to my RV garage Sunday to put some winter clothing in. Then opened the drawer that is the home for 29 bunges, Elmer's glue and a small head rubber hammer. I then took a bunge to a hole and screamed...the little SOB did not fit. After 16 try's, I found the right hole! <_<

    Why, why, why does the manufacturers do this to us? Can't they use one size fits all? The screws are all the same size! :angry::wacko:


  6. Frank.

    My 2010 was built in January of 2010, the Spartan Chassis & Cummins 425 came off line 16 Dec. 2009. If you pull up the 2010 Catalogue, you will be looking at my coach and reading about it! It's the 45Y floor plan.

    Yes, it had a lot off things that had to be fixed by Lazydays (64 items) and took 5 weeks, but the price was right, I wrote a $53,500 check for the difference! My Allegro Bus was the new 37' design and that was probably 60% of the problem!

    Now my bugs are all gone and I have decided to keep it, so Texas Custom Coach will get my coach in mid April for a exterior and some interior re modeling. They will have it for 8 weeks, while I'm in Norway (my second home). It will be in West Springfield in August.

    Stop by if your there, or Perry!


  7. In March of 2014 mine got stuck, as yours, in the in position. Made my dog real unhappy! Make a long story short, Rich came up with the answer. First grease every joint on step, then take (I used a rubber head) a hammer and start hitting motor & armature of motor, there is a reset in there and after hitting for about 10 minutes, I gave up and shut the door, then opened the door, step came out and has worked ever since.

    I now lube it every month and wait until step is fully extended before stepping on it. The whole step by step, is under electrical, this Forum 3/14 by manholt.


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