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About wilkiesr

  • Birthday 07/04/1942

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  • Location
    Central N.C.
  • Interests
    Surf Fishing,Races,Just Hanging

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  1. It is a 2019 Fleetwood Southwind purchased used with 7000 miles . Brought home slide went out but would not come in called Lippert and was giving instruction how to over ride system and get slide in. I was told to take it to dealer for repair. I have owned 7 coaches and did must of my own work and i know i can reprogram this if i knew what sequence to enter into the switches. My coach has the panel with the in and out buttons and on the back side it has the three buttons with two on top says motor one and motor two. Thanks
  2. need directions for setting defaults on Lippert Schwintek dining room slide out
  3. Need to know how to set dining room slide defaults on a Lippert Schwintek slide. Lippert instructed me how to over ride slide to get it in ,but said i had to go to dealer to reset slide . I know i can if i knew the order of input . Thanks Wilkie
  4. Looking for someone to repair slide outs on a 2007 Four Winds Magellan. Located at Kerr Lake, Henderson NC
  5. wilkiesr


    2005 Adventure jacks will not go down. Pump will work for slide, but will not run with jack down button. But will run with the up button and jacks are up. Weird.
  6. I am looking for a used U-Line BCM 95 Ice maker or someone to repair mine.
  7. Can anyone help i need an dash wiring diagram for a 2000 Windsor with a Smartwheel. Thanks Wilkie
  8. Need a place to buy a new dash panel for my 2000 Windsor. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Wilkie
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