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  1. My mailing address is: Charlie Adcock 1214 Fuller Lane Searcy Ar. 72143
  2. I wanted to clarify a few details about our remodeling plan: 1) Per the FMCA constitution, any change approved by the Governing Board goes out to general members for a vote. Details of any proposed change approved in Indianapolis would be placed in our September, October, and November issues of the magazine. That gives membership 90 days to cast their vote. Membership has the final say. 2) The question has come up about complimentary memberships. We currently have exactly that program in place with many of the dealers and manufacturers. The buyer is given the opportunity to accept a complementary one year of FMCA membership. 24% of complementary offers are redeemed. Of those that redeem, 47.5% renew after their complementary offer expires. The program is working, and we continue to add new dealers and manufacturers every day. 3) Do we want to keep FMCAssist? The answer from members is a resounding YES. FMCA’s ability to offer it as part of FMCA membership is in jeopardy. Our average member age is 71, which is driving up our loss ratio. If we finish the year at our current loss rate, the yearly premium for FMCAssist will rise above $800,000. This premium is currently paid out of investments. With our investment account around $7.7 million, one big correction paired with this hefty premium could do a number on our balance. Getting younger and having a larger pool will help with the premium cost.
  3. Well I am not setting in a Crystal Palace, but I would be happy to talk to anyone that has any questions. I can't type real well, but feel free to call me. My # is 501-278-6172. Charlie Adcock
  4. huffypuff, I apologize on behalf of the staff not calling you back. As far as the big guys up there;;;;;; there are none. You are the most important one as all members are. I don't type very well but if you could give me a call I will try to answer your question if I can't I bet I can get the answer. My Phone# is 501-278-6172. Charlie Adcock
  5. I have not seen your inquiry about FCOC leaving FMCA. I suspect the e-mail went into my spam folder. But to answer your question, I have been in discussion with the President of FCOC and he and I agreed that since the chapter did not certify by the 1st of Jan. that they are placed in inactive status this year and if they do not certify by the end of this year they will just be dropped from our roles. If you have any further questions please contact the President of FCOC [ Mr. Steve Batorson]. Steve and I had a very good meeting at the Indio Rally. Should you want to discuss this with me please call me at 501-278-6172. Thank you and I apologize for any mis-understanding.
  6. Since picking up the new motorhome, we went to Jon Walker's lake house in Southern Michigan, to Glamarama in Goshen, IN, then to our spot in Hearthside Grove at Petoskey, MI. We enjoyed our time spent with Jon and Sondra Walker. We parked at their lake house on Baldwin Lake in Michigan. There were several things to be done to get things ready for the summer; like get the party barge in the water. It had to be launched from across the lake. They go to the landing and Jon brings the party barge back to the house. Jon left Charlie to bring the truck and trailer back to the house. Charlie wasn't familiar with Jon's GPS and he didn't have his wallet or cell phone so he was left with no way to call for directions when he decided he was lost. After an hour and a half driving all around Michigan and Northern Indiana Charlie found his way back to the place where they had put the party barge in. He saw a man close by and asked how he could get across the lake and pointed to a house with a Razorback flag flying. The man said he would get in his vehicle and lead Charlie back across the lake. Charlie finally made it back to Jon's and promised he would not go anywhere without his cell and wallet again. If you didn't go to the Glamarama Rally you missed a good rally. They were completely booked with a waiting list. The entertainment was good, the food around Goshen was the best, and Jane Roush and her volunteers were excellent hosts. I really enjoyed the Ladies Tea. Along with the goodies, Pat and Sarah Getto were our speakers. Pat told about raising Sarah and most of us know what a special person Sarah is. Sarah and Pat answered questions from the audience. After Pat and Sarah, the pillowcase dresses that were made during the year for "Dress a Girl Around the World" were presented. The pictures below show a few of the dresses. There was a clothes line about fifty feet long filled with dresses. This organization receives donations of dresses that are simply made and given to girls around the world who needs dresses. This would be a quick and easy project for ladies who need something to do at their rallies. You can go to the website, www.dressagirlaroundtheworld.com, to find out about this organization. We traveled to Petoskey after Glamarama and it has been cool and rainy most of the time. Seems like everywhere we go it rains. Maybe we should travel to where there are droughts since rain seems to follow us. We have enjoyed the cool days. The cooler nights are great for sleeping. We are now rested up and ready for our next adventure to the northeast. We were visited Friday by Jon and Sondra Walker. They arrived in their new Tuscany. They were really excited about getting the new coach and they were giving it the shakedown ride. We are happy for them. I know their grandkids will enjoy it when "Nana and Papa" takes them on a trip. We went to a classic car show yesterday in Bay Harbor. They had cars that were from the early 1900's through the 1960's. Most of the cars were restored with original equipment. There were a few muscle cars and a "something" that started out as a GMC motorhome. It was called a "Deco-liner". We had visitors today from the Northeast. They are on their way out west and drove through Hearthside to look around. They saw our sign in the window and stopped. We had a good visit with Bob & Judy Constant and Dianne & Jeff White. Hope to see you again down the road soon.
  7. I hope everyone is enjoying the Spring weather. We have had lots of different kinds of weather; from the cold to hot, from nice sunshiny days to days with tornadoes. The tornado that went through Mayflower and Vilonia, AR was about 30 miles from us but we also had the same system touch down 10 miles west and 10 north of Searcy. A real scary afternoon and evening. We were glad we had a storm cellar to get into. Many years ago my Dad had built a genuine fall-out shelter behind his house. It would house 20 people for a long time. Now is serves as a storm shelter and comes in handy. Charlie has had the electricity redone and built new steps down into it. In the past we have had about 40 people and pets down there in bad weather. It was tight but we were safe. We went to the International Area Rally in Lebanon, TN in early May. We had a good time and stayed over to see our oldest grandson graduate from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN. It was a proud day for our grandson, Charlie, and for us. He also has a job at Nissan which he applied for before he graduated . He started to work on May 19 and said he likes it. We left Tennessee and went to Cincinnati, OH for Executive Board Meetings. Along with business conducted by the Board we enjoyed evenings enjoying good food and fellowship at Round Bottom Road. The women who didn't go to the meetings got together to cook the evening meal and we played Hand and Foot card game. I want to thank all who helped with the meals. When we left Cincinnati we were headed to Decatur, IN to pick up our new coach. Charlie had calculated the fuel and thought he could make it to Decatur with only 10 more gallons of fuel. We followed Jon Walker part of the way and when we parted ways Charlie passed a big truck stop but did not stop. He was convinced he could make it to Decatur. As we passed through Wilshire, OH, 11 miles from Decatur the motor home died in the middle of the intersection to move no more. He told me to get behind the wheel and he was going to try to push us out of the intersection. We did get out of the intersection and Charlie went to find diesel only to be told there was not any within 8 miles. A man drove up about that time and said his son had some farm diesel and he would sell us 5 gallons. We put the 5 gallons in and it still didn't start. Charlie decided it was time to call Freightliner. They told him he needed 20 gallons and the lines purged of air before it would start. He then called road service and found out we basically didn't have road service. I will not mention the name of the Road Service but it was not good. They called a man to come out and he said it would be $300 for him to come about an hour away. Needless to say the man called back and said the road service company told him the cost was too high. How many calls did we make to the road service? I don't know but the road service finally sent a man out with 20 gallons of diesel but he had not ever worked on a Detroit diesel engine. He put the fuel in at $6.00 per gallon and couldn't purge the air out of the system. We were still stuck in the middle of a parking lot/street. We decided to stay the night and call someone to come help us the next morning. About that time a young man came by to ask what our problem was. Charlie told him and he said he could fix it. He crawled under the back of the motorhome and after 15 or so seconds came out and told us to start it up. It started and we thanked him and were on our way to Decatur and arrived before dark. Oh, by the way the young man was a diesel mechanic that worked on Detroit diesels every day. That was an answer to prayer.
  8. I am not computer literate enough to keep up with this blog. For two months I have been trying to get back on this page with no luck and I couldn't seem to remember to call FMCA for help when they were in the office. Today I did and after some help I am now trying to remember where we have been and what we have been doing since the last post. In February before coming home Charlie talked about FMCA at River Bend RV Resort, at a Roadtrek Rally and a Country Coach Rally at Kissimmee, FL, and at the Great Outdoors in Titusville, FL. We hurried home from Florida for Doctor's appointments then back to Perry, GA for the FMCA Reunion. We attended a Monaco International Pre-Rally and enjoyed the fellowship with them. We also visited a Newmar Pre-rally. Perry would not be Perry without the rain. We were met at the fairgrounds with the rain for two days. The Volunteers were great. They worked tirelessly in the soaking rain to get everyone parked and the trams took persons around to various gatherings, meeting, and vendors. Charlie and I want to THANK each and every one of you that worked at the rally. It was a great rally and I thoroughly enjoyed everything from seminars to entertainment. Especially the Texas Tenors. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think they would sing to me on stage. All I wanted was a picture with them. I didn't wash my hair for a couple of days after they ran their fingers through it. WOW, what an experience. Charlie was a little embarrassed on the first night by Jeanne Robertson. In his announcement of future days entertainment he said, "Gloria loves the Texas Tenors and I love Sarah Getto." When Jeanne came out on stage she said, "Gloria loves the Texas Tenors and Charlie loves Sarah, then where does that leave me?" He apologized to her after the show. She is the funniest, cleanest comedian I have ever heard. When we left Perry we headed back home only to go to Shreveport, LA for our Six State Planning Rally. I think we will have a good rally in October so if you don't have plans,come on to Shreveport. After Shreveport we arrived back in Searcy in time to meet the group coming in for Rally in the Pasture. This rally is in our pasture and is an official chapter of FMCA. We had a bonfire in a tractor rim and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. Later we had entertainment from Raywood Baudoin. The ladies went on a scavenger hunt provided by the Searcy Downtown Association with the door prizes being provided by the merchants. The merchants provided the clues for the scavenger hunt. All the ladies that went had a good time and I think some of them went back to the stores to do a little shopping. Some went to Little Rock to Harry Hastings personal museum. It is quite a place. He has everything from an outhouse to his father's first travel trailer, an old milk wagon, fire truck, and his Newell motor home. He also has a collection of restored John Deere Tractors. I have never seen so many things that remind me of my younger days. Our entertainment at RIP was provided by Keith Longbotham, Sarah Getto, and Johnny Counterfit. They were all good. Charlie talked about the condition of FMCA and some of the things he wants to do. One is bring back FMCAssist which is a benefit that has to be voted on by the governing board in Redmond this summer. Thee food was good and we had the best team in the kitchen anywhere: Beverly and Steve Martin, Wendy and Lloyd Holloway, and Sheri Brewer. The best cleanup crew was provided by RIP members who also belong to the Gateway Getaways. They know how to clean up in record time. Oh, I almost forgot we also had a golf cart race set up by Al Vormittag and Lamar Keck. The Prez and Vice-Prez were about to win first place but they had so many penalties I think they ended up in last place. Gucci, the pygmy goat, is getting use to her surroundings. We let her loose every day and she enjoys the green grass and never goes too far from her place at the barn. She enjoyed the RIP rally because she got a lot of attention. We now have three new barn kittens and three new calves. Hopefully, we will have a couple more calves soon. Maybe I can keep up with the blog on the road. We have one more week at home then we will be off to area rallies, meetings, and a few chapter rallies seeing people we know and meeting the ones we don't. If you see us at a rally stop and say "hi." Charlie loves to talk, and I enjoy meeting you .
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