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Posts posted by rfsod48

  1. Thanks Herman and Mike! We are coming down this January and plan to start our search. We are expecting 3” of snow tomorrow so outdoor time will be limited now. I can tolerate heat better than cold and for my wife, she is indoors most of the time.

  2. My wife and I are considering making a move to Texas, her disability is becoming an issue which is leading us to sell our MH. We want to leave Michigan because the weather. We realize that Texas summers are hotter and that brings up the question where would you live in Texas full time? Hill country or west Texas? We would not want to live in a large city.

    Thanks for any imput.

  3. Yes, we would drive toad home. We are going to Texas this year and want to decide then if we like Texas or Arizona better. Being able to drive 75-80 mph in toad shortens trip considerably which is easier on my wife. We don’t use MH much other than winter. Other idea we have is to sell MH and just rent or buy park model. Not really the way I had envisioned retirement but plans don’t always work the way we want.

    Thanks for the imput.

  4. We are considering leaving our MH in Texas or Arizona when we return home next spring. Would appreciate thoughts of this who have done this. Is safety or damage (theft) a big concern? I assume that there are storage places like we have in Michigan, we currently pay $47 per month for outdoor fenced and gated storage.


  5. Carl, short term use of opioids is not dangerous and for most patients after joint replacement it is necessary. I have had both of my knees and both of my hips replaced as well as lumbar and cervical fusion. As a doctor I can tell you that short term usage was necessary. The most important thing is doing physical therapy and giving the therapy a full effort. That will determine your mobility afterwards. 

    Good luck and best wishes to Betty, after the first few days it will get better.


  6. We have towed our 2017 GC over 9000 miles with out incident, I do go slow in turns and take pains to avoid chuck holes when turning. I had a 2015 Cherokee Limited which I did have the modification on and we never had any problems with it either. 

    As my friend and golf partner says “ I would rather be lucky than good any day “.

    Hopefully FCA will come forth with a fix and eliminate the problem.


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