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  1. Rich, I replied to your PM, but its easier if you just email me at peterkukla928@gmail.com. Hi Manholt, I presume you where in the Oil business in Scotland, we'll be working initially just outside Inverness, but if we go to Peterhead we'll try to get you some photo's, anywhere special ?? BR Peter
  2. England Calling Its been a few months since my last topic, I hope everybody is keeping Safe during these difficult times. We've just had our annual Test on the Van, I think you guys call it Annual Inspection, and we had a Brake Pipe Failure during the Dyno Brake Test. They managed to repair the brake line, but considering the Old Lady is now 30yrs old, I think its time to replace all the Brake lines & while we're in there we're going to replace both Diesel Feed & Return Lines & electric fuel assist pumps at the tank. HOW & WHERE re can source the right parts. So to begin with what is the beast; 1990 28ft Gulstream model Sun Stream, on a Oshkosh Chassis (Vin # 4CDB4XE28L2101312) fitted with a Cummins 6BT (just fully rebuilt) 79,000 miles on the clock. Its fitted with all 4 wheel Hydraulic Brake Disks. I've been trying to identify the OE Brake Parts system supplier but no luck yet (so that's question number 1). Question number two would anybody know what Thread type is used on these Brake components, I wondered if they could be UNF. ??? Or are they a special Thread type for brake components ??? Question three, Would anybody know a Brake Parts specialist where we can source the correct Brake Tubing and related components, ie T junctions etc we want the job to be dead right, here in UK I can only source metric brake fittings & parts, so we want to source the exact right parts. So any assistancd would be most helpful. So far through a greaat connection with Frieghtliner via the Club I have managed to purchase NEW Brake Flex Hoses for all four corners, but now we're going to need the Unions, T joints, Brake Line and an imperial tube size Former for forming the tube at the ends. Some of you guys maybe thinking why bother to do all this work on a 1990 vintage Van. Well, here in the UK American Motorhomes, never Die, they just keep getting repaired and updated. Our case is a little different, we own a Small Research Company and we've recently won a contract with a Utility company in Scotland and we going to be working in some of the most remote areas in Scotland, so let me know IF you'd welcome some photos and we'll see what we can do for the club. Over the past 5yrs, you guys have been so much help Big Hug to all and StAY SAFE Peter & Rayne
  3. I can assure you I'm well aware of the amount of work, but we have our own engineering workshop & equipment otherwise I totally agree it's simply not cost effective. But here in England its almost impossible to puchase a Wrecked US Motorhome, people just keep them going forever. Our Gulf Stream is just over 28ft and accepted at every Campsite we have been to over the past 4yrs, its a 1990 so coming up for 30yrs and needs freshening up and if possible upgrade the Brakes. The plan is a Staged rebuild as you mention Desertdeals. But our first challenge is to get the engine & Transmission out and on the floor, the Chassis to two chanels, is it reasonable to assume the engine slide out along the rails ????? All suggestions are most welcome Br Peter
  4. Hi Hope everybody is keeping well. Would anybody have instruction details for remving a Cummins 6BT 5.9ltr engine from a 1990 Oskosh Chassis (front engine, Puller) configuation. Question 2. Our vehicle is currently fitted with a Allison FREE wheel overun Transmision, in an ideal world which model Allison Transmission would be the ideal upgrade and possibly where can can we locate one. Question 3. Want to upgrade the Disc Brake system, and viable suggstions Best regards as always Peter & Rayne
  5. Hi Guys I'll start digginf but I think Rich has hit it on the head as ours only Free wheels on over run. The good news is we've not spent any money yet, I take Wolfe's point it'll need heavier exhaust springs. I was hoping there was some addition valve block we could fit to convert the Trans into a locking type, so either I've got to find another Transmission or Torque converter. So that raises a key question is the actual Transmission dissengaging on overrun or is the actual the Toque converter dissengaging. ????? Cummins here in the Uk are not that helpful, so would anyone have any contact addresses in the US where I can track down some sense. As you guys were so helpful on the Front axle King Pin issues I owe you an update, the actual King Pins are great the problem is down the Shimm kit, there's too much play on the vertical plain on the Driver's side, it does not fail on the annual test but its something that needs to be sorted out, got absolutle no respeonse fron the Front Axle Manufacturerbut a friendly Truck repair shop help us nail the problem so shimms should be available when I know the Kng Pin diameter. Best regards to all Peter & Rayne
  6. England Calling. 1990 Gulfstream 28ft on a Oshkosh Chassis, Cummins BT6 and Allison Transmission. Hi everybody, hope you guys are keeping well. Has anybody had any experience in installing a Exhaust Brake on a 1990 Allison Transmission, the free wheel overun type (sorry but I can't manage to read the model number on the Tranmission ID plate). We have uprated the engine output power a little (from 150hp to about 210hp) Brake system ( Discs all round)is working well but I'd be alot happier if we could install an Exhaust Brake. Look forward to your comments and suggestions Best regards Peter & Rayne
  7. You Guys are fantastic A most sincere thank you to everybody for all your help and assistance. I'll keep you all advised on our progress. Thank you all again and again, when you are this far away from the United States FMCA and its dedicated membership makes all the difference to every one of us. Love to you all Peter & Rayne
  8. Well, finally a bit of progress and thank you all for your comments (especially Chicken Soup to a Dead person). Wolfe 10, I followed your comment and began digging through nearly 30yrs of Road Grime and FOUND the axle plate, exactly in the middle of the axle. So hopefully the following information will help us. 1990 Oshkosh Front Axle Information of the Axle Plate Manufacturer: Rockwell International Model: 2FC 901 CHX 11 Customer Number: RE 41206 Serial Number: NCA 90307306 Date: 90092 Look forward to your comments and suggestions where to next Peter & Rayne
  9. Hi Wolfe 10 Many thanks for the link, but I'm getting an error it won't open. Best regards Peter & Rayne
  10. DickandLois I get your point completely, IF we don't make the effort what chance does the next generation have !!! Have looked a both links you provided. The Meritor axle is a Brake Drum assembly whereas our chassis has 4 Wheel Disk Brakes. As I've mentioned in previous comments I have the highest respect for Oshkosh product and yes I'll try my best to contribute meaningful information where I can. What I can state clearly is when we took off the old Tired road springs last winter, the Pins & Bushings where like new, absolutely no wear absolutely none. I'll keep trying to locate the front axle identification number Best regards Peter & Rayne
  11. Carl A little Background for you guys. I lived in Arizona from 93 to 97, we loved it. We purchased our 28ft Gulf Stream on a 1990 Oshkosh Chassis in 2015 from a Farmer in Wales UK. It had been parked on a Beach in Portugal for about 5yrs. So....... All four Brake Calipers siezed, all Chassis outriggers rotten. The FMCA Club has been a God send for us because nobody in the UK even knows what a Oshkosh chassis is, luckily I know and respect the history of these guys in the early 70's I worked in the Middle East a lot and frankly without Oshkosh Truck's we could never have worked in the Desert's they way we did. Simply amazing Truck's and when fitted with Ballon tyres would go anywhere, I saw one flip once on a very high Sand ridge, rolled 360 and landed baack on its wheels, we checked the Air filter and oil level and then fired it up and kept going. FMCA helped locate a contact within Frieghtliner for Oshkosh parts BUT recently its gone dry, does anybody have any other reliable Oshkosh parts contacts please. So, its fair to say I'm a big fan of Oshkosh Trucks, we've fitted a LPG / Diesel Gas conversion (we have a Cummins BT6) I sourced from the US and we're getting a reliable 20 miles per gallon towing a Suzuki Jeep drive Car. So to answer your direct question, we now live in England (Near Manchester), our Gulf Stream 28ft Motorhome lives with us here in the UK, and yes we'd love to visit the US again, I just love the people and the Country but its not practical to ship our Van to the US but possibly one day we'll try to rent one in the US and get on the road. Can we again, say a very big thank you to you all for your interest and assistance in helping us source parts from the US. All our thanks Peter & Rayne
  12. Hi Wolfie We replaced the Front Road Springs last winter (we needed our Cornflakes for that job) and I did not see a Axle plate attached, would you know where it is usually placed on the Axle. The Guys at Freight liner told me our chassis has a DANA 60 back axle is it possible we have a DANA front axle. ????? Another humble question, does anybody have some detailed instructions on how replace the Front a rear Braake Rotors on a Medium Oshkosh chassis. Best regards Peter
  13. Rich, Thanks for your email. I can confirm our Vin # is 4CB4XE28L2101312. Many thanks for your comments, looks like we have finally sourced a Driveline company here in the UK for the replacement Propshaft Centre support bushing. But still hunting to locate a supplier for a New Kinpin Kit with a Shim kit. If anybody has any suggestions we'd be most grateful for a lead. My direct Email address is peterkukla928@gmail.com Best regards to all Peter & Rayne
  14. Hi Rich Many thanks again for your help on this. Firstly please forgive my wording. (Two Countries separated by the same language I think I've heard it said before!!). But after 4yrs in Arizona I should know better. OK, firstly our vehicle is front engine/rear wheel drive (chassis number: 4CB4XE28L2101312). Front engine Mount, Trans and Rear Axle (A Puller) we have a Cummins 6BT fitted to a Allison Transmission fitted to Dana rear axle I think The Propshaft I'm referring to is the Shaft connecting the Transmission to the Real Axle, its in two half's and between them is a Two bolt Chassis mounted support bushing its this support bushing we're trying to source as our is beginning to show signs of excessive movement. Not sure how I can alter my original posting but I sincerely hope this explains more understandable details and I'm sorry for the confusion. The other items we're trying to source is a Front Axle King Pin set with Shims Very best regards to all Peterk based in England
  15. Hi Can anybody kindly assist, Freightliner tell me the centre Propshaft support bearing / bushing is no longer available, but they heard a fleet client with the same chassis managed to locate the from NAPA. When I was living in Arizona I remember how helpful NAPA could be but now back in the UK I'm not having any luck. My question is simply has anybody within the club had a similar problem or possibly know where we can source a new one. Also, Truck County Frieghtliner ( I think they're in SC) don't appear to answer our emails any longer, have the stopped supplying Oshkosh parts. ??? Does anybody have any suggestions for a new source please. Next year we're going to need a new front axle King pin set, has anybody had any luck finding a source ????? Very Best Regards to all From Peter & Rayne
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