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About srflorie

  • Birthday 09/06/1951

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    Goodfield, IL

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  1. We are coming to Burlington from Alexandria Bay, NY on NY37, US11 and US2. Was looking at US 7 down to I-84 if 7 is a decent road. I already have an I-Pass which works on the EZ Pass system so not worried, just looking for a more scenic and easy drive without interstates if possible. I'll get enough uninteresting interstate travel during the rest of the trip.
  2. We are planning a trip to New England this fall in a 40' DP towing a small car. We will be leaving Burlingon, VT headed to Stockbrige, MA and then on to PA in October. Is US 7 through VT, MA and CT a decent/scenic route? Would like to see some scenery and avoid tolls if possible. We have a planned stop just outside of Stockbridge and then on to Promised Land State Park in PA. Any assistance and/or suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. There is a Cadillac Document ID: 2684289 and #PI0268B "Revised Dinghy Towing Procedure (June 30 2011) Models 2010-2012 Cadillac SRX" that explains the proper procedures. I researched this a couple years ago before I started pulling my SRX and this is what I got from our local Cadillac dealer. I keep this document in my travel file and carry it with me all the time just in case some dealer gives me static about not being able to tow it. I have been pulling mine for over 2 years with no problems. No fuses to pull. Basically you shut it off, pull the shift lever boot up, press down on the manual release button with a small screwdriver or pen (I use a pen) and put the car in neutral. That's it. This was also discussed on this forum back in March of 2015 and cites this document.
  4. While I may not like a few things that have happened in the last couple of years, I cannot buy an insurance policy that covers what FMCAssist does for $25 per year. I don't think I can even buy it for the $75 total cost of membership. An occasional campground discount, the discount I got on tires and the value of the FMCAssist program more than pays for my membership.
  5. I downloaded it and did the registration thing, but I am not very impressed with it so far. Seems to be graphically overloaded just like the last app FMCA was pushing and difficult to find your way around. I will play with it for a few days and probably delete it. Unfortunately my info is now with some app maker to sell to others.
  6. So did you get a full year or just to the end of your membership? If you got just to the end of your membership, was it prorated?
  7. And if I remember right, there is also a coupon on that page to get the card laminated for free!
  8. It is an HP Laserjet Pro 200 color printer and I just checked Amazon and they are about the same as the regular price at Office Depot or Staples. I have this printer because I needed it when I ran my consulting business before I retired and needed to print out decent reports and presentations for customers. I will not use remanufactured or off brand cartridges because I have experienced leaks and failures in the past when using that type of cartridge. When I was working for a large company we also bought in large quantities from Office Depot but paid more than what the FMCA discount is, so I am very happy with using the discount whenever I can. I can usually go about 1 year before I need to replace these and at $93 regular price for the color ones, it can get cashy. The black cartridge is about $20 less. So the almost 30% savings at Office Depot with the FMCA discount also saves enough to pay another years membership fees at FMCA!
  9. Sorry, but the numbers are not messed up. I guess I need to clarify a little more. I have 4 cartridges in my laser printer, 3 color and 1 black. All the color cartridges seem to get low about the same time. Therefore the numbers quoted are for 3 cartridges. Regular cost at Staples is $93.99. Subtract the discounted price of $89.29 and it equals $4.70 savings or 5%. Multiply that times 3 and it equals $14.10 total savings. At Office Depot the regular cost is $93.99 also. Subtract the discounted price of $66.31 and it equals $27.68 savings or 29.45% (I rounded to 30% for demonstrative purposes). Multiply that times 3 and it equals $83.04 total savings, enough to buy 1 more cartridge and have money left over. I have done this twice before with Office Depot. Both companies offer free delivery to your home. Office Depot's website does not offer the option for in store pickup, but I have gone to the store and made the purchase there using the card and it worked the same as online.
  10. Just went through the process of setting up an account with Staples so I could take advantage of the FMCA discount. What a joke compared to Office Depot. I have been buying my LaserJet cartridges for my printer at Office Depot and getting around 30% savings over retail. When I was finally able to check with Staples after getting notification that I was eligible, their discount was only 5%. Both companies are priced the exact same for my cartridges on their regular website, but Office Depot's savings using the FMCA discount amounts to $83.04 compared to $14.10 with Staples. I think I will stick with Office Depot.
  11. While the large truck stops may be easier to get into, they are usually much higher priced than some smaller stops. I have seen as high as 25-30 cents difference AND at most of the larger fueling centers, you pay 5 to 6 cents per gallon higher if you use a card of any kind, whether it is debit or credit. Some smaller stations do this too, but not near as many as the larger ones and even if they do, they are usually cheap enough to make a huge difference. So, even with the 8 cents discount for the GS card, you are still paying a much higher price at the larger stops. It may be easier to get into a larger stop, but with a little research using Google Earth, Gas Buddy and other apps, you can find a stop that you can fit into. In my opinion also, it is generally a lot dirtier at the pumps and you carry that diesel stink into your coach on your shoes more often from a larger truck stop than a smaller fuel stop. Again, just my opinion and experience. Unless the large truck stop is within a few pennies of the smaller guy, I'm going to the smaller guy.
  12. Evidently they also changed the way you enter the signature. I can't figure out how to take out the spacing between the lines!
  13. I had my RV info in the signature once upon a time, but evidently it got deleted except for the picture. Must be forum gremlins?? I will add it back when I get a chance. I have used Google Street View and it does not have any info for route 359, but the rest looks fine. Thanks for your help.
  14. Thanks, I didn't include the final leg because both options are the same for that section. Google however does show getting off I90 at Cardwell on 359 then south to US287. Any problems with that route? Also we are actually going to Henry's Lake just west of West Yellowstone so the map shows 359 to US287 to 87 to US20.
  15. After we leave Glacier we are headed to Yellowstone and Google Maps gives us 3 possible routes, one of which I am not interested. The other options are come down 35 to 83 to 200 to 141 to US 12 and back to I90 for 378 miles. The other option is 35 to 93 to I90 for 389 miles. Getting there fast is not a priority but drivability and scenery are. Again, diesel coach pulling a small car.
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