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    Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
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    I retired from the Winnipeg fire department after 32yrs.My wife Susan and I are both avid golfers who play in league.We have two grandkids Max and Zoe and we travel down to Indio Ca. for the winter golfing on the way there and back.

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  1. tojomi, I had my radiator replaced by cummins N power. I had the radiator shipped to them by Source Eng. Depending on your floor plan there could be more than one rad. that goes into your coach. I agree with Herman, it is one of those jobs best left to the pros. The rad will have to come out and in my case I figured because it is labor intensive, why not just put a new one in. Good Luck. Smokeater75.
  2. Thanks Brett, I will let you know how I make out.
  3. The reset of the gen breaker has taken care of the ems only reading one leg. The second problem is the alternator over charge light on the dash panel going off and the volt meter showing 16 plus volts going to the batteries. Its seems like the engine alternator and the inverter charger are pushing the voltage above what the sensor is set for. I am going to try shutting off the charge mode on my inverter charger and see if while the engine is running it still shows over charge. If that doesn't work I also have a dedicated starter battery charger that I will disconnect and see if that is the problem.
  4. The alternator over charge light on the dash comes on when the engine is running with the generator on or if I'm plugged into shore power and the engine is running. I turned the gen breaker off and on started the gen and my ems panel once again showed fifty amps coming in.
  5. I had my motorhome at a dealer in California when we were down south this winter. I had a new Xantrex 3012 pure sine wave inverter/charger installed along with 4 Life Line deep cycle batteries. It wasn't a straight in and out because our original unit was from 2003 and the new one wouldn't match up. The dealer contacted Xantrex and ordered a Xanbus system control panel. This avoided running 30 ft. of cable from the new inverter/charger to the energy management system up front. That was fine with me until I went to run my generator with the motorhome running and my alternator over charge light came up on the dash showing 16 volts going to the battery. The next issue happened when I tried to exercise the generator and realized I was only getting 1 leg of power to the energy management system and couldn't put a load on the gen. without the EMS shedding the load and shutting down appliances. Now I am back in Canada 2000 miles from the dealer. Any ideas.
  6. If you type in RV sewer wrenches on the net you will see there are a few companies that make them, I think they will solve your problem. Smokeater75
  7. SAFETY FIRST, My wife and I were relaxing with some friends when I received a phone call from my daughter-inlaw. She usually calls to give us updates on how the grand kids are doing and asking us how our trip down south is going. By the tone of her voice I could tell this was different. She asked when we were going to arrive in Palm Springs CA. and then proceeded to tell us that her uncle who had just purchased his dream RV, was on the roof, fell off onto the concrete and broke his back. Paralyzed from the chest down never to walk again,45yrs old. We were going to get together for dinner. The people we were sitting with in Yuma knew by my expression and tone that this wasn't the kind of news anyone wants to hear. I couldn't help but wonder what he must be thinking laying in bed in the hospital. I worked for the Winnipeg Fire Department for 34 yrs. and took a few falls and broke a few bones and realize how lucky I have been.I have been on the roof of our motorhome too many times to count and thought to myself do we just get complacent and not realize how dangerous falling from 12 ft. can be. MAYBE WE SHOULD. Please everyone, remember we are here for a good time not a long time. SAFETY FIRST. Smokeater75
  8. smokeater75

    GPS info

    Good Sam has a trip planner program where you can decide what you want to see on your trip, rv parks,fuel stops etc. With a garmin 760 rv gps you can program the size of your rig,type of roads and you can program how much of a warning you want for sharp curves exits and bridge hieghts. Hope this helps. Smokeater75
  9. There are a few companies using the Mercedes chassis, you may want to check out Leisure Travel vans web site. There are also some videos from The Fit RV. where they were at the factory and you can view the build process from start to finish. Good luck. Smokeater75.
  10. My 2003 Windsor manual also mentions extending the slides first than level. I have both an air level and hydraulic system and no matter which one I use I always level first,my thought being that it has to be easier on the slide mechanism if the motorhome is level prior to extending. Just my thought, Smokeater75.
  11. Hi Kiltedpig, the size of your engine will be a factor,amount of oil required. You can save money if you do it yourself,no shop labor. I have my Monaco Windsor serviced every fall at Cummins N Power in Fargo ND. I use synthetic oil in my generator and engine. The service includes fuel and oil filters in both gen. and engine. Going over the suspension and greasing the chassis, the transmission is also checked as well as my brakes and tires. If anything has to be done over and above they let me know if it is urgent or if it can be done at another time. This annual check costs between $600.00 and $700.00. Good luck. Smokeater75
  12. Thanks for the information, I had heard that about bell,but I wasn't sure about Shaw.
  13. I heard that bell has changed their signal angle so Canadians down South won't be able to receive a signal. I read that as of June 1st. 2016 Shaw direct is doing the same. I was wondering if anyone can confirm this. We were going to go with Shaw but not if it won't work. South of the 49th. Thanks. Smokeater75.
  14. Herman there's a big difference in price between the 275's and the 295's in fact the 295's are more money then the 315's, I don't think the 295's are as popular as the other sizes. I replaced my 295's 2yrs ago and it was a rude awakening. Just my two cents Smokeater75
  15. Hi there, I just replaced one of my side topper awnings, the best instruction video I found was on the rvgeeks web. site. I ordered from tough-top, the material is superior to Carefree and cheaper. Check it out and good luck. Smokeater75.
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