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  1. Small about a foot across the lower passenger corner. This is the second time in the same area in one year we replaced the first one 4000. So not anxious to put out again if it can be fulledfilled
  2. Wondering if a small crack in windshield that is not through the whole glass can be filled or will have to be replaced. Our insurance has 4000 deductible
  3. Do you know if it the crack went through all layers. We have a small crack and it only went through 1 layer so we were told it could not be filled.
  4. We have a Bounder 33c Windshield has a small crack in it that does not go right through, so was told it can’t be filled in. Hate to have to put a new one on but if I do any suggestions on the best price we are heading to central Florida for the winter Thanks Wayne
  5. all fixed, on our double door fridge, the left door has a hinged extra strip that is magnet closed and on ours for some reason it wasn't completely closing. Not sure how to fix that but until we get to someone who does, we can manually close it. Thank you all for your assistance
  6. Ok thanks I will try that tomorrow will let you know if I don’t blow up not funny
  7. No powder anywhere we have a 2012 bounder, no slide out, doors look clean, lots of air flow, it's showing 50 this morning after being closed all night if it needs extra fans then it needs replaced, what replacement fits that space?
  8. On a bounder where would that J box be located
  9. Our propane/elec fridge on a Bounder will not go lower than 50. A normal fridge is 40. I have tried it on electric and propane and still won’t go lower. Any suggestions? ps the freezer is just OK but ice cream is softer? Meat is frozen though.
  10. I thought the same thing both breakers on the generator are ok. When we got to the next park and plugged in everything worked. So I will check the ATS tomorrow thank you Wolfe any other suggestions
  11. Not sure how this happened but my plugs will only work when plugged in to 50amp. We stopped at a rest stop to make dinner, turned on the generator, plugged in the kettle and induction burner and nothing worked. Any suggestions where I should look to reset or replace something !?! Wayne
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