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Sprint speeds

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Joined the Tech ConnecT program with Sprint’s Franklin R910 mifi. Have not been able to get  download speed above 3 Mbp but the upload speeds have reached 24 Mbp. Had 4G connection with very strong signal strength. Every tried tethering (after calling Sprint to get hidden menu unlock code) with no added speed. (By the way, the mifi kept disconnecting when tethered) 

Three Mbp is unusable with multiple connections. Has anyone experienced better download speeds with the Sprint mifi? Any suggestions for improvement?


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I just received my Sprint hotspot - have to say the speed is pathetic - I am very disappointed in this device. About the same results as above. Going to call on Monday.

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  On 6/15/2019 at 1:33 PM, buellsinva said:

Have not been able to get  download speed above 3 Mbp but the upload speeds have reached 24 Mbp.

This is an odd situation, downloads are usually higher because the provider normally throttles the upload speed.

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Download speed is heavily impacted by heavy cell traffic.  Also, if you're roaming (not hitting a Sprint cell tower), your data speed can suffer as well. Uploads can often be very fast, because most cell users aren't pushing data up.

If any one of the three devices is streaming video, that will suck up most of the bandwidth.  We haven't had success using any cell device to carry too much shared load.

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Used the Franklin Sprint Hotspot all thru New England with no problems and very good speeds. We were in civilization which I am sure helps. We also have unlimited on our Verizon and ATT phones, and iPads, and the Sprint speeds were as good if not better. Sprint doesn’t have the coverage that the others have, but where they have service I have no complaints. We used it for 10 days straight, my grandson using his iPad continually streaming programs. No throttling at all, $50 month which includes the taxes and fees. I acquired it for use at my winter destinations, thereby eliminating Comcast/Xfinity, which were getting expensive.

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I tether my Sprint phone to my laptop and it worked great.  Sprint says I don't need mifi since I have unlimited phone.  

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