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Bus Conversion - GM PD 4104, Got One or Know of One

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Those of you that follow this article line may be interested to know that my 4104 search was published in the August 2014 issue of Bus Conversion Magazine.

Starting with May of 2015, my search is expanding to include GM buses models PD 4101 to PD4905.

Excluding Scenicruisers, my friend Tom has them.

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I see this is an old thread, but hoping it is still active.  Just purchased a  1956 PD 4104-1770. Conversion done in the 70's sometime. Has a little work to be done, but roadworthy for the most part.  Any info would be appreciated.

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Welcome to the FMCA Forum.

Tell us more about your bus-- engine, transmission, who converted it.....

And, what type of information are you looking for?

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It has the 671 Diesel, and the 4 speed manual transmission. I don't know who did the conversion, I do know that it has had a few owners since then. We have plans to change the conversion to look less '70s, and hopefully more '50s.  I see above that Huskeycamp has provided some folks with info as the where their 4104s came from originally, and I guess that type of historical info is what I am looking for. I am certain I will have more technical questions as we begin to dig in to some restoration. 

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Thanks. I sent a PM, and also sent an email. The email bounced back as undeliverable--so hopefully he is still around on the forum somewhere, or someone else might have the info? Or know where to find it?

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I have a friend who has one of these for sale in Oregan. Any suggestions for selling it? I can provide pic and specs. It was already converted in 1973. Any help with selling it or how to sell it would be greatly appreciated.


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Here are two very popular websites for those in the bus conversion community. They both have areas for posting coaches for sale. Spend a few minutes looking at both sites to get a feel for things. They both have a forum, although the first one is probably more active right now.

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On 4/10/2012 at 12:46 PM, Huskycamp said:


I am searching for any PD 4104's that are still around.

It doesn't matter if they are a bus in a museum, a custom or

home built conversion, still a bus or yard art.

Between 1953 & 1960 - 5,065 buses were made. How many

are still around after all these years?

The info I need is:

VIN - so we can track where they started from.

Status: a bus, shell, converted, scrapped,.....


Location city/state, province.

Info source: FMCA

My completed project will be posted at http://www.busnut.com

Jon Usle

Cajon Pass, CA

Hi I have a 4104 I would like to add to your list and was wondering where I would find the vin number?  This coach supposedly belonged to Elvis at some point but who knows?

thanks swandog

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