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Roadschooling family of four who are traveling the country in search of education, experiences and family fun!

Entries in this blog


RV Thanksgiving: Feasting Large In Spaces Small

It was once suggested to me that celebrating Thanksgiving in our RV was an utterly ridiculous notion. “HOW can you prepare such a grand meal in such a small space?!” “WHAT on earth could you serve without access to a full kitchen?!” “WHO would ever want to join you on such an adventure?!” Never one to back away from a challenge, I am here to break it all down for you. Hopefully, by the end, you will be convinced that you, too, can have your own epic campout for your next Thanksgiving. Thanksg




7 Favorite Finds and Our Best in Show From The California RV Show

The 63rd Annual California RV Show Going to RV Shows stirs up emotions for Ryan and myself. Mostly deep, dark jealousy, but we also like to mix in shades of envy and longing. No matter how many times we give ourselves the pep talk -- "We love what we have" or "We don't need bigger/better/faster" -- we always seem to fail at not saying, "OH MY GOODNESS I NEED THAT RIGHT NOW." Happens. Every. Time. This time I had a strategy and it was foolproof. Instead of going to the California RV Show with




The 63rd Annual California RV Show

This weekend we visited the opening weekend of the 63rd California RV Show at the Fairplex in Pomona, California. It was hot, hot, HOT. The RVs and trailers were unbelievably gorgeous. Every person I talked to was having blast and it was 110 degrees outside. Thank goodness for the delicious Pink's hot dogs and the iced cold beer. Another 100 bonus points for every air-conditioned RV that we stepped into, because otherwise we would have melted. I took some pictures to share with all of you. I




Banishing Beverly Hills Birthdays

Birthdays were never a big deal when I was growing up. In Beverly Hills, the discussion of age was/is as taboo as talking about a favorite plastic surgeon. I remember having only one birthday party when I was a kid. My parents chartered a very 1980s bus that drove me, my brother and 30 of my parents' closest friends to an ice cream parlor. Did I mention that there was a bartender on the bus? I went on to have my own magnificent kids and I truly believed that I was going to become the Birthday P




Autumn Tomato Soup Recipes

Happy First Day Of Fall! The year is flying by and it’s a bittersweet feeling for me. My kids are growing up so quickly and we have a huge list of adventures that we would really love to experience with them. Knocking off Mount Rushmore from our RV Bucket list was biggie for us, but now we are needing a new goal. In my mind it’s Washington, D.C., but we will see what Ryan has to say about that. Fall is officially the kickoff of “Soup Season” for our family. Warm, thick and savory soup is a mag




THE Family Roadtrip Song Playlist

My kids recently asked me, "Mommy, what is your favorite song?"Well that's just like asking me to choose a favorite camping spot! Absolutely impossible. I love so many songs that the soundtrack of my life is hours upon hours long.Roadtrip music is very special to me. I can be sitting in my smoggy LA office, and the moment Fleetwood Mac's "Rhiannon" hits my ears, I am immediately transported to the Painted Desert. I can hear the kids squealing with excitement as they stare out of the window in aw




How I Burned, Blew-up and Flooded My Way to a Tankless Water Heater!

This is a story about how not to install a tankless water heater. After many an RV trip using only the standard 6-gallon water heater, my family and I were fed up with our quick, cold five-minute showers. I felt it was time to upgrade to a tankless system. Being the amazing handyman that I am, I decided to install it myself. First things first, I removed the stock 6-gallon tank by draining it, disconnecting the electrical and propane (of course with propane shut off), and removing the outer h




Mount Rushmore Trip Tally

I saw Mount Rushmore with my own eyes!! This particular trip was a bucket list item for me and nothing could be more thrilling than driving to Mount Rushmore, in our RV, and with our two kids in summer. Dream come true, really. While seeing the beauty of Mount Rushmore was thrilling enough, the trip itself was waaaay more eventful than we had anticipated. Last year we drove to Tennessee from California for the holidays and I didn't think we were going to come back in one piece, let alone maybe




2000 Watt Pure Sign Wave Inverter Install

After several trips of constantly turning on the generator so that the kids could watch TV or my wife could charge her laptop while driving, I finally decided to install an inverter to power the coach with the house batteries. After some research this is what I came up with: * Disclaimer - I am not a mechanical engineer. These are the rantings of an ex Master Mechanic who has spent hours doing his research. Please if you consider doing this, do your own do diligence. Pure Sign Wave Inverter T




We Are The Roadschoolers!

Hello fellow open road lovers! We are so excited to become part of the FMCA Blogs. Our family of four absolutely loves road trips, people, learning and travel. We are excited to share with you our newest adventure in life: Roadschooling! Our daughters, 6 and 9, are just as excited to jump into our RV and discover what the road can teach us. My name is Miri, my husband's name is Ryan and we are thrilled to get to know you. Our family is completely open to suggestions, tips and guidance from all



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