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Everything posted by charlieiam

  1. Had a shop change mine.. simple procedure with proper tool.
  2. I have a handicap lift that I removed from my Newmar that looks very similar to this one. http://www.discovermymobility.com/store/scooter-lifts/burr/handy-lift-hd/index.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg5aJ0rCm4gIVFq_ICh1S3gWyEAQYASABEgLKKvD_BwE I would be willing to sell it at a very reasonable price. If interested PM me.
  3. No need to leave the Inverter on. It supplies 120V and the furnace only needs 12V from the batteries. The engine operated alternator will keep batteries charged.
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