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  1. What part of, “The tow capacity is 5,000 pounds.” do you not understand?
  2. It is more likely OPEN somewhere upstream, not shorted. If it was shorted, you couldn’t jump power to it to make it work. Sorry, I can’t help you with a diagram.
  3. It won’t take an hour. 30 seconds is plenty.
  4. No, however I’m not losing any coolant. Based upon what I’ve read on the net plus additional information I received in some private emails, I’m convinced that my CAC is not doing it’s job. I’ve already ordered it, and the folks at Freightliner in Gaffney will install it in February.
  5. The wheels are still on. It’s an optical illusion. The wheels are all on jacks. They lifted the whole coach to get easy access to the radiator area. The rear wheels are hidden by the open basement door.
  6. Yes, that whole area was cleaned when the new radiator was installed at Source Engineering.
  7. I have a 2006 Mandalay 40E on the Freightliner XC-R chassis with the 400HP Cummins ISL and the side radiator. It has 134,000 miles on it. I’ve had ongoing issues with the engine overheating on grades, and I’ve spent thousands of dollars chasing it. I’ve done all the usual stuff; thermostat, the Source Engineering wax valve, confirming the cooling fan speeds, and even a new radiator. I am interested to know what your Intake Air Temperatures are. This information is available in the Silverleaf app, and may be available in other apps, too. I think the final item in my overheat chain may be the charge air cooler. I would like to know two things: The intake air temperature under normal cruise on a level road The difference between the intake air temperature and the ambient temperature I would also like to know the same temps when pulling a grade. I’ve been told that the Cummins spec on this is that the Intake Air Temp should never be higher than 43 degrees F above the ambient temperature. Mine runs a lot hotter than that. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
  8. If the fridge is working, you have 12-volt power into the coach. What - exactly - is not working? The inverter has nothing to do with 12 volt power in the coach. An inverter takes 12 volts DC and produces 110 volts AC. And if the fridge is working, there is 12-volt power in the coach.
  9. You will spend a lot more time LIVING in the coach than you will visiting National Parks. Pick a floor plan you like and don’t worry about the length. There are always alternatives to staying in a National Park. There are no alternatives if you get stuck with a floor plan you don’t like.
  10. I got rid of the trouble-prone Sauer-Danfoss system and installed THIS. No more problems.
  11. f430040


    If you are running the generator, the inverter is not used. An inverter takes 12-volts DC and converts it to 120 volts AC. When the generator kicks in, the inverter is taken out of the circuit.
  12. That September 1 through May 1 chain requirement in Colorado only applies to I-70. If you avoid I-70, you don’t need to carry chains. The I-70 crossing of the Rockies is the steepest and highest of the three interstates (70, 80 and 90) that cross those mountains. The highest point on I-70 is approximately 12,000 feet. The highest point on I-80 is approximately 8,000 feet. The highest point on I-90 is only 6,000 feet.
  13. That’s a helpful reply, ramseypk, but this is a 2-year old thread. Obviously the OP has no interest in this any more.
  14. About a year ago I took a look at the 45AT. This floor plan has a sliding door between the living area and the bedroom. As I was looking at this coach, I decided to close that sliding door, just to see how it looked. When the top of the sliding door touched the opposing wall, there was a 1-inch gap between the door and the wall at the bottom of the door! I slid the door back open, exited the coach, and scratched this model off my list. If it’s that far out of square, I’m not interested.
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