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Posts posted by elkhartjim

  1. On 6/23/2017 at 0:01 AM, rhinderber said:

    Jerry, I don't know if you are just fond of your Ford,but after all that trouble I am thinking I would trade for a "Pop and go" any number of Jeeps, small pickups or a  small Land Rover. Pop the trans and TC in "N" and on your merry way.

    I tow either a 2005 Jeep Wrangler automatic or 2016 Jeep Wrangler automatic. Each manual specifically says put the transmission in park.

  2. If its $30/night for a really small patch of dirt and no hook ups, I'm afraid to ask the charge for a full hookup site.

    Carl, I think we could make a fortune if we could get $30/night for a little space. I'll rent them a half acre, provide a fire ring and all the mesquite wood you can burn for $20/night. I'll even show you how to operate a chain saw and log splitter at no charge. Now if you want to use the air conditioned tractor to ride around and look at the wildlife, that'll cost extra.

  3. 2 hours ago, popatop said:

    I don't know about the cost. but I would like to see a camping directory listing only camps that can handle Motor Homes.  This might be a sourse of income if the financial situation is feasible.  I would pay for a directory like this and the camps that advertise would pay.  Just a suggestion.  But keep FMCA for Motor Homes.

    Are you asking for a lisitng of rv parks that only allow motorhomes? In my 30+ years of rving, I've never seen a park that only allows motorhomes but then I've never looked.

  4. Jrock, this is for roadside service not a service contract to repair something broken. Good Sams is $69/year for new members.  Coach-Net is $249.00/year. 

    I dropped Coach-Net two years ago when they said the only service company they could find had a 2 hour minimum charge and I would have to pay for the additional hour. I located 5 service companies within ten minutes that didn't have the 2 hour minimum and their rate per hour was less than Coach-Nets provider.  Coach-Net would only use the one they first found. I canceled the service call, used one I found, saved myself $15, subscribed to Good Sams and cancelled Coach-Net. I've used Good Sams on three different occasions, all for my Jeep, with acceptable service.

  5. For me personally,  talking up FMCA is not a high priority when we travel as matter of fact I've only discussed FMCA once and that was a few months ago when I performed a completely unscientific poll of 6 people in a campground. None of them saw any benefit except one may join when he needs tires in three or four years...if he remembers. One had the goose egg the previous owner left and didn't know what it was and said he would take it off when he returned home. As I recall, they all were Good Sam members.

    Thats my bloviating for the day. Goodnight John Boy....

  6. I drive a lot in Texas, it takes me two days to get out of the state when we do our out of state trips. Texas being the friendly state it is we always wave when meeting another motorhome or trailer, 95% of the motorhome drivers wave back and maybe 5% of the trailer drivers. I can only guess why.

    Carl, maybe they are trying to increase revenue so they can increase salaries keeping the bottom line zero. It doesn't matter which non profit organization it is, they all seem to have hidden agendas which typically leads to money going in someones pocket.  Once I got involved in the real financial part of the American Cancer Society I was appalled. I attended some unbelievable parties and banquets, all first class expenses paid, to discuss how to raise more money. I soon realized each one of these events probably cost over $250,000, I resigned my volunteer position. 

  7. Too late, Brett.  The water boarding has been scheduled for midnight tonight. The mob will have the needed information long before the doors are unlocked at the FMCA office. The secret handshake will be shared for a small fee. I'm convinced its the key to obtaining the information on the Verizon plan. Herman has gone underground since the mob started gathering but never fear, we'll dig him out of whatever hole he has chosen to underground in. I will soon be headed to Natural Bridge Caverns to see if he's there. The mob is getting restless plus they are using the water boarding water to mix cocktails. Oh dear! We may need additional members for the mob so come one come all. All you need to know is the secret word to join the mob.

    Two more weeks before we hit the road....stircrazy may be worse than cabin fever.

    Come on Herman. Tell us what the secret handshake is so we can send the mob back home because they've about drank all the water boarding water.

  8. Accomplish. Just as I was afraid, one of our own is part of the conspiracy to keep secrets - especially revealing the secret handshake. Shame, shame, shame. Think Gomer Pyle.

    I bet if we get you out behind the barn and waterboard you you'll squeal like a pig. We'll get the info needed without involving the politicians because we know how busy there are running for re-election. 

    No special prosecutor needed, Kay, as this will quickly turn in to mob rule.

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