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Posts posted by elkhartjim

  1. You didn't hit a nerve with me either, Mark. I recommended to you on another thread to accept the fact that we all have our opinions and just because they don't agree with yours does not make them wrong. Since I don't live in California, I have a concern with all the government overreach that is being pushed by some. You poor people are regulated on almost everything and thats fine, just don't mandate it on the rest of us.

    I'm still giggling over the queen size mattress blowing out of the dash. Surely they would require that be a pillowtop.


  2. Good morning, Mark.

    Just as an observation, you are a new energetic, enthusiastic member of the forum and we welcome you, however, I suggest you take a deep breath and realize each and every member has their on personal knowledge whether it be from experience or some other manner and we all have our personal opinion regarding whatever the subject is. We each have the right to write that opinion as long as its not a personal attack. Bill A was only stating his opinion, you can choose to agree or disagree and if anothers opinion offends you just don't read it. The forum mod's try to control any post that is of a personal attack.

    There is a wealth of knowledge available on this forum and some of the knowledge will presented as opinions, you can choose to agree or disagree but try to not be offended.

  3. I was visiting with a motorhome owner today and asked him if he is a member of FMCA, he is. He then proceeded to vent about allowing towables when I finally realized he thought "towable" meant his toad. He kept saying he has had a towable since owning his motorhome and thought almost all members had one. He just couldn't understand why it was an issue.

    I don't know how the ballot will read but it may be interesting how this all plays out.

  4. There are none to be had in the Conroe/Lake Conroe area, Herman; I recently checked for my friend. He is on a wait list at Tall Pines for a 50 or 100ft, whichever comes available first. Of course its an hour north of his home but I think he must be on every wait list within 50 miles of his home. He is considering buying an unrestricted lot and building a building.

  5. You might also need to check to see if you flat spotted any tires. Depending on how your emergency brake was set you may have drug the tires some distance before the pads wore down enough to allow the wheels to turn.

    I know the horse is already out of the barn but I have my wife watch the tow bar and toad as I pull forward to assure the towbar is set and all the wheels are turning.

  6. Is it not good enough because it doesn't allow you to keep up with the Jones or is it not good enough to meet your needs. Either way be prepared to lose a bundle on a trade in.

    Any ideas?  It depends on you. If you can afford a huge financial hit then go for it, if not, you will need to suffer the consequences of making a wrong(?) decision.


  7. I had CoachNet for several years. First time I needed to use them I had excellent service; a couple of years later I needed them and it was a complete disaster. I switched to Good Sams two years ago and I've needed them three times (two tire changes and one lock out) for the toad. Excellent service. I asked each service company what their trip charge was and it ranged from $95-$130. I'm way ahead of the game and pray I won't need them ever again.

    Livnocast2coast, you mentioned the bill was over $800 but didn't Good Sams cover the service call expense? Sounds like your major complaint was they didn't call you back with a status update on some sort of schedule. I would rather them be calling somebody to help me than calling me to tell me they hadn't found anybody yet. BTW, some motorhome tire sizes are not easily found during normal working hours much less after 6pm.

  8. 43 minutes ago, roadster27 said:

    we visited Yellowstone last year and found parking at pullouts at most spots , do no take tower road , I did , and a porche would be tricky there , steep hills , narrow roads , big drop offs and stupid people

    99 American Tradition TVS40

    Bev and Allen



    That is phenomenal, the two times we've been there some places I couldn't park my Jeep. I did drive the MH through Yellowstone from Gardiner to Jackson and only stopped one time because of traffic at a bear jam.

  9. I'm just wondering if there are any forum statistics on posters that post a question one time and never come back. Brett, do you have this information available?

    I only ask because often times someone will post looking for information and then some of us spend time researching for an answer, post the answer but never hear from the OP as to whether it helped, etc. I see myself as getting less likely to spend much time looking for information which may or may not help when its a first time poster and that's not fair. We were all a first time poster.

    Sorry for the rant but it is a pet peeve of mine. I hope everyone has a safe but fun July 4th celebration.

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