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Everything posted by ramblinboy

  1. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2392032,00.asp
  2. Great initial story from a while back Tom. Sorry I missed it on my search. Could be a real lifesaver for those who use it responsibly. Maybe we could get a discount in a bulk buy through FMCA!!
  3. Lots of good info on the two sites. rB Spot Connect: http://www.findmespo...dex.php?cid=116 Spot GPS: http://www.findmespo...dex.php?cid=102
  4. We have had two traveling families disappear in Western Canada within the last year. Our kids suggested we get one while on the road. We purchased one for $149CAD with a $50 rebate. There are two versions one for sending out your current location via satellite to your list of people - Spot GPS Messenger. The other allows GPS, plus short text messages where no cellular service exists and is connected through Bluetooth to your smartphone - Spot Connect. The Spot GPS we bought allows 3 types of message to be sent out to your personal contact list. One is a GPS coordinate just letting your people know where you are, the second is more urgent perhaps a mechanical breakdown, and the third is an SOS to your people and to a private rescue service - not 911 - but to the GEOS International Emergency Response Center. Its cheap insurance we believe in case of emergency or to just let people know where on earth you are! There is a yearly activation fee of $100USD that, unless you stop payment ahead of time, bills automatically yearly! It works worldwide too with very few exceptions. Here's the link: http://www.findmespot.com/en/index.php?cid=102 FAQ for the GEOS group: http://www.geosalliance.com/faqs.html Safe travels! rB
  5. Great advice Brett! Thanks for clearing up the risk issue. Ill have a look at my fridge manual too - a little maintenance goes a long way especially when there's flame involved! rB "This has been the subject of discussion for decades. First, all will agree that when refueling, that all spark-producing or flame-producing appliances should be OFF. This includes turning off the appliances, not just turning off the gas supply to them. A spark ignitor from a propane appliance left on, propane turned off can also ignite a gasoline spill by you or someone else. This includes the refrigerator, water heater, furnaces, aqua-hots, etc. As far as operating the refrigerator on propane at other times when not around flammables, no clear answer. Is there a risk-- sure. Is there a risk in operating the main engine on gasoline-- sure. Most consider the risk minimal and acceptable. As you brought up, are you at greater risk of food poisoning if you turn off the refrigerator while driving-- yes. The relative risks have to be weighed by each of us. I will suggest that proper propane system and refrigerator maintenance is important to lower the risk factor. No just the risk while driving, but also in using appliances when stopped. This includes pressure testing the propane system at least annually and doing the "burner area tune-up" on the refrigerator annually as called for in your refrigerator owners manual. Are you at more risk in a system that has not been maintained-- yes. OK, enough facts. My personal opinion, the risk of operating PROPERLY MAINTAINED (which mine are) propane powered appliances in our coach while driving is an acceptable risk to me." Brett
  6. How many people drive with their propane tank shutoff? Excellent article on fire prevention for RV'ers in current FMC magazine. One warning - don't drive with the propane tank on. I checked and I don't have a three way fridge. So.... options? Make ice and use a cooler for perishables while traveling and only use propane when parked?
  7. Traveling the US highways (PAC NW) anyway, we always see wide loads escorted by pilot vehicles. Not here in Alberta. Imagine being overtaken by one suddenly with a cyclist just over the fog line - ouch!
  8. No wonder we're so popular in some campgrounds -- that trapeze was worth installing. Sounds like it's a remote sensor for HVAC ... going once ... Thanks to all who contributed. rB
  9. Hi Bill, No, on the outside wall of the closet, that's a reading lamp to the back of the photo. AC thermostat huh? Interesting?
  10. This item is attached to the passenger side closet beside the bed? Anyone know what it is/does? Thx rB
  11. My 1999 Flexsteel, 6 way power driver's seat is showing wear - 30K miles. Anyone have fitted genuine sheepskin covers?
  12. http://www.rvbusiness.com/2011/08/navistar-relocating-mh-operations-to-wakarusa-ind/
  13. Thank you! Its a home in the mountains and at the beach!
  14. ramblinboy


    Thanks Mike good to know! Have you or anyone else tried Octane boosters to avoid this kind of situation?
  15. ramblinboy


    We just got home from a Pacific NW tour. We ended up in Safeway gas stations a lot because of our saver card. I found that I had a lot of rattle from the Ford V10 engine with their regular gas. The last fill I had was COSTCO gas and the rattle is completely gone. Anyone notice this too?
  16. Hey Richard much obliged. Ill give it a try before I lay out any major dough. Thanks for the tip! Rb

  17. Thanks for the heads-up on the LNB issue. I should be good with the single LNB - omni-type antenna vs the dish. There's really nothing worth watching anyway but news is always good to stay current. We do appreciate the advice gentlemen - thank you muchly!
  18. Excellent advice Brett. We are most grateful. Our coach has been winterized and will need to be flushed to run clear. We'll then run chlorine throughout the fresh water system including the water heater tank I'm assuming.
  19. Ha great story Wayne! The satellite Gods were with you . You've convinced me. We're going with an automatic system: http://winegard.com/carryout/index.php Thanks for more Family Motor Coach help from a great member! Rb
  20. Anyone care to share their experience with manually pointing your satellite tripod mounted dish? I'd like to find and purchase a Sat-finder with audible signal if possible.
  21. Exactly what we needed to know. Thanks to all! We drink filtered water at home to eliminate the chlorine taste. We don't want to drink small portion bottled water on the road as mentioned. We see plenty o' folk who filter at the campground source before it gets into your MH tank. I have an under-sink filter for the kitchen tap.
  22. From the US border services info:
  23. We travel with gallon jugs of potable water. We use the fresh tank for washing up and flushing only. Any necessity to treat potable water in jugs to keep it fresh?
  24. That's a lot of driveways that could be occupied by a thrifty RV'er! The CoolBelt stretches from BC to Newfoundland - lots of good beer, steaks and quiet nights!
  25. I believe the sunbelt'd be Arizona, Texas and Florida and I'd be parked under the shade of a big old oak tree with 50A service. I see your point - not many oaks in Arizona. Perhaps those in a Northern climate might make a similar arrangement for Sunbirds when they come up in summer to escape the heat.
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