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Everything posted by ramblinboy

  1. Interesting article on adding 30 or 50A to outside service for parking a motorhome with visiting relatives in mind: http://www.irv2.com/forums/f59/parking-motor-homes-in-my-driveway-75236.html
  2. Excellent advice from a user! Thank you very much Chuck! Rb
  3. Let's run this up the flagpole and see who salutes, shall we? Needed - one wide driveway (shaded) with a plug-in 30A in the sunbelt. Will pay a weekly/daily/monthly fee for the parking spot with a separate charge for the juice metered and fused. No house access requested or required. An application form would refine compatibility and deal with oil leaks prevention/noise etc. So rig plus toad, toad could park in the street. Anybody? Anybody?
  4. Excellent advice thank you! We have made inquiries at all of the ones mentioned and thank you all for your input! As mentioned in other posts, http://rvparkreviews.com is very helpful as well. rB
  5. I wish I was joking Bill. Most places are 80 and up and thats without a morning massage ;-)
  6. Thanks John. Lots of sites for sale there. I'd be interested in your take on the resort. We hope you have a great time!
  7. Hoping someone familiar with the Naples Florida area can recommend a quiet shaded concrete pad under $100/night. We have a toad so we can drive up to 15-20 minutes to good restaurants, shopping. We have a small dog. We do travel with bikes so trails would be dandy too. Wed need laundry facilities. Wifi would be nice. We have a dish so need to see the bird. Much thanks if you can help. Rb
  8. Absolutely hilarious! Glad to know there's someone else out there like we are! You are an excellent writer!
  9. Thank you very much fellow travellers! I have a roof mounted Winegard but considering a tripod mounted dish for ease of finding the bird. Still looking for advice on a good type of sat finder with an audio homing signal of some sort
  10. I'm in Alberta. I want to bring my Bell SD receiver with me to the NW states. Does the Bell footprint cover Oregon, Washington and California?
  11. ramblinboy

    The Candle

    Great story man and a lesson for these times for many people!
  12. From the album: Glacier, MT

    http://montanafilm.com/featurelocation_036.htm Caution though this road has sections with steep banks, no shoulders and no guard rails but does have gorgeous views

    © &copy

  13. ramblinboy

    Banff, Alberta

    Homage to an amazing place on the planet
  14. From the album: Banff, Alberta

    Where HWY's 93 and 11 meet

    © &copy

  15. ramblinboy

    In the pines

    From the album: Banff, Alberta

    Doing the boondock thing. Start the genny, but no too early, get that furnace going and make some coffee! Ah the good life!!

    © &copy

  16. ramblinboy

    Crowfoot Glacier

    From the album: Banff, Alberta

    On the road to Jasper, Alberta: http://www1.travelalberta.com/en-ca/index.cfm?pageid=7&id=193

    © &copy

  17. From the album: Banff, Alberta

    On the road to Jasper, Alberta

    © &copy

  18. That's a good 'un too! Here's JJ Cale definitely a road song! quote name='aztec7fan' timestamp='1297573138' post='11858'] Not bad! I've always thought this is a great traveling song too... Just change the words from "I've trucked all over this land" to "I've been all over this land" or "I've camped all over this land"
  19. Heres the skinny on 'em from Consumers Report 2008: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/applian...-heaters-ov.htm
  20. They're everywhere and not just in RV's. How about the ones who open their door after eating at McBarfs and gently leave their whole bag of trash on the ground then drive away! These are the same people who can't flush a toilet folks. They are everywhere!
  21. Here's to the open road: rB
  22. If you do a fair bit of dry camping or boondocking here is a product line for auxiliary heat without firing up your genset: http://www.empirecomfort.com/ It can be plumbed into your existing propane tank with low pressure fittings available from your supplier. Be sure to get the model with a thermostat to adjust the output automatically. These are ventless and use room air for combustion but you should crack a window near the unit to draw outside air to compensate. Propane is cheaper than gasoline and there's no disturbing the neighbors when you need heat. Hardware should run under $300USD for a 10K BTU for a space of 300 sq ft. Your camping lifestyle would determine if you'd need one of these units.
  23. Thanks for the advice! Thing is it's happening to several doors all of a sudden - seems odd!
  24. Excellent advice, thank you very much. Just placed an order for a dehumidifier Soleus CFM 40 179USD
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