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Posts posted by five

  1. 3 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

    ....It never hurts to look under the dash and plug any holes....


    Yep, slide the generator out and look at the dash from the outside...you'll be surprised what you'll see on some coaches.  This coach is very good, my previous coach took most of a roll of tape and roll of insulation to plug the holes.

  2. 1 hour ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

    That is an interesting statement. Can you elaborate? 


    Yes, interesting comment.  However, I would take that as a compliment.  If tires can stand the abuse of being on dump trucks, they must be pretty tough.  I attended a seminar at a rally and the Allison Rep stated when they want to test a transmission, they use garbage trucks.  He said if they can stand the abuse of handling a garbage truck, starting and stopping all day, they could certainly handle anything an RVer could do to them.

  3. 19 hours ago, manholt said:


    What happened to you, is one of the  main reasons, why I want a Steerable or Liftable, tag on my next coach! :angry:

    I don't think that would have made any difference, Carl.  We weren't buried in muck, but the four dually wheels just sat there and spun...in "D" or "R."  I unhooked the CRV, pulled off the tow equipment, the tow operator inserted a draw bar and pulled me out backwards (with me idling in "R") until the drive wheels got back on the road.

  4. On 2/6/2019 at 12:18 PM, MarthaChuck said:

    .... Our rig is getting older and we wanted to make sure we could get help if something went wrong...


    I think you will find coach age is not a factor when it comes to most of us having to use RA.  We've used it due to a blow out....not an age issue, and 10 days ago, when following the CG's directions, got stuck in some soft grassy muck, that required a tow from Good Sam.

  5. On 1/2/2019 at 9:08 PM, manholt said:


    ...If your coach is diesel, it needs to be taken out (if possible, depending on where you live) and driven for about 50 miles, every 2 months (makes no difference if your in a garage or outside).....

    Or, fill it with fuel, add a stabilizer and a biocide and let it sit.  I had a diesel in a sailboat and did this for eight years, it sat from Sep to Apr, then started right up.

  6. On 12/7/2018 at 10:26 AM, WILDEBILL308 said:

    I still think teaching people to step on the accelerator is primarily to keep them from geting on the brakes before they get over the initial shock. More like a starting point in the process of keeping control. They know most coaches won't accelerate in that first few seconds.  


    That sounds good but it will never work.  In order to teach somebody what to do in an emergency you have to do it, it cannot be learned watching a movie.  It must be practiced over and over and over, and become a conditioned response, the basic MH driver cannot do.  We do it all the time in the aviation business.  Especially in a helicopter, if the engine quits, immediate action must be taken or your helicopter will have all the flying characteristics of a brick.  Training is accomplished in a helicopter with dual controls with the instructor and simulating an engine failure.  At the start of training the student will be a bit slow to react, thus the dual controls and the instructor on board to take immediate action.  However, once trained, the student pilot will act immediately.  We don't have the capability to do that in our MHs thus stepping on the accelerator will never be a conditioned response.

  7. There's no telling what will be on the road.  Several years ago, while travelling on a relatively empty interstate, we heard a noise from the rear of the coach.  We looked around and checked all the gauges, everything looked good.  When we got to the CG and were setting up, the DW came up to the front and said, "you need to come look at this."  The foot off the right rear stabilizer was gone.  Some how it missed the toad....and any body following us.

  8. On 12/4/2018 at 2:47 PM, RayIN said:

    FIVE, I suspect your cruise control accomplished what the Michelin video tries to get across when they say to accelerate when we detect a tire failure; to keep the driver from applying the brakes. This short amount of time accelerating(not very fast when driving a brick) allows the driver to maintain control before suddenly applying the brakes and losing control from to the sudden side pull due to the flat tires added rolling resistance then adding brake pull.

    The Michelin video seemingly is not concerned with Vehicle damage, only maintaining control.

    I don't think so.   Both hands were already on the wheel (crossing a narrow bridge), so my first instinct and action was to get rid of the speed, thus tap the cruise off.  That was accomplished instantly...in no more than a second or two.  I would encourage people to experiment the next time they are out on a freeway.  When at a normal cruise, on a flat road, floor the accelerator.  Virtually nothing will happen initially...no acceleration, no increase in speed, no feeling of being pushed back in the seat, no increase in engine RPM...nothing.  Of course after a few minutes the speed will increase.  I can assure you, after a blowout, flooring the accelerator and waiting for the coach to increase speed or gain forward thrust will be the last thing on your mind.  Maintain control, slow down and get off the road and on the shoulder.

  9. Overall, the Texas tax system is better than most.  In AR, we pay state income tax, sales tax 9.75% (11.625% else where), personal property tax, and my favorite, an ad valorem tax.  On the latter tax, they charge a percentage of what your cars, truck, boats, RVs are worth....every year.  When I retired from Uncle Sam's Army, my plan was to retire near a military base in a no tax state....I'm zero for two.

  10. I've been a member of Passport for about eight years, but I"m not renewing.  For me, it's gotten to be too much of a hassle, constant changes of additions and deletions and the many restrictions noted above.  Yes, I've gotten my money back each year, but I'm to the point of not willing to keep up with everything and doing the research looking for CGs.

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