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Posts posted by five

  1. 2 hours ago, manholt said:

    FIVE.  Are you here?  We are in B lot, A-76.  I'm  looking at the South curve of the race track...thru a fog of flies! :lol: They don't clean up the Barns & Stalls  for the Horses & Cattle! :wacko:

    Where is "here?"  I'm at home getting me and the coach ready for a trip to Spearfish, SD, to the ACA rally in August...they are usually very good, are you going?

  2. We've had six RVs, more than that in boats (gas and diesel), but the only time I had a problem with a fire was in an airplane.  I landed on fire...it was an electrical fire caused by the batteries.  So I keep a close eye on my RV batteries...you all will be happy to know that crash/rescue is really fast!:D

  3. On 7/11/2018 at 2:34 PM, lylefikse said:

    Our Magnum Inverter keeps shutting down on its own.  Am I turning it on incorrectly?  Pushing power button.  Does the charger have to be on as well for it to stay on?

    If you are turning the inverter on, it will not actually come on unless the charger is off.  The way it works is that when both the charger and inverter are on, and AC power is turned off or goes off (charger is not working) the inverter will come on to provide AC power.  My Magnum has two small buttons, one for the charger and one for the inverter.

  4. On 6/22/2018 at 6:21 PM, wayne77590 said:

    We travel extensively and stay at military facilities whenever we can. We have never found the conditions you described. Yes there are PX's and commissaries that are smaller than others and their stock is what is in demand for the facility. I do agree that some of the smaller ones stock a lot of alcohol but in my 23 years in the USMC I can say that military people do drink a lot so alcohol is in demand. In my younger days I would appreciate that. Now in my mid to late 70's I would rather see other items, but it is what it is.

    I will continue to support our PX's, BX's and commissaries with the hope they will never close. I do realize that one needs to shop wisely and look for bargains wherever they are.

    My perception as well, although we usually stay off post/base.  To be honest, I just like to go on the military facilities.  Everybody is nice, friendly and courteous.  The post/base is always clean and well maintained.  I enjoy it when some young troop holds the door and says, "Good morning, sir!"  Of course, he doesn't know if I'm a retired four star general or a retired PFC.:D

  5. On 6/21/2018 at 3:03 PM, wolfe10 said:

    They might, but most of us can read the last  FOUR DIGITS of the full DOT number that indicate the WEEK and YEAR of production.

    Would be surprised if the tire store has any "skin in the game".

    All good points, but that's the first thing I would check.

  6. I got an email re the joining of the PX/BX and Commissary systems.  It makes sense to me, but apparently there is a lot of in fighting and turf wars, so I can't see that happening soon.  BTW, the Class VI is part of the PX/BX system, and, as of January, has not been closed.  If you shop in there when they have sales you can really get some bargains.  Every time we go in the commissary, there are way more retirees than active duty.  Many years ago, I used to fuss about all the retirees in there....now I are one!!:(

  7. Once you get that put in, what I recommend is get an old vacuum cleaner hose... cut a piece long enough to fit around the inside of the collar, slit it long ways and put around the inside of the collar.  That will make it a lot easier on your power cord when you pull it out or in...the edges of my collar in the floor are pretty sharp, this takes care of that.

  8. 19 hours ago, TXiceman said:

    While  unplugged, make sure the inverter is on.  Take a small light or 120 volt fan and check each outlet.  Mark the ones that operate from the inverter.


    That's what I did.  Found out every one in the coach is on the inverter.

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