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Posts posted by five

  1. 3 hours ago, huffypuff said:

    No sale on the coach as it is 10 year old and nobody trust it.  We are stuck with it so we will start using it.  Problem is we sold the toad so have to think which vehicle to tow.  

    If you REALLY want to sell it, lower the price.  Works every time.

  2. 8 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

    The good old days.;) While I wasn't Officially in any of those places I do have an Vietnam campaign ribbon. I was officially in Okinawa but did go on some no name TDY deployments.:P I wish I had kept some of the original "C" rats we had some had 1943 date stamps. Wayne you are right you can eat nearly anything with enough Tabasco on it.



    My first tour in VN, I was XO of a 105mm howitzer battery (in the 4th then 25th Inf Divisions).  All of our HE (high explosive) ammo was new, but we did shoot some illumination rounds manufactured in the early 1940s that was left over from WW II.

  3. On 8/1/2016 at 2:37 PM, jleamont said:

    Five, do you have a specific brand you recommend from experience?

    Nope.  Never heard anything really bad about any brand.  Just get them from a reputable dealer and be sure they are not old.  Also, don't forget to adjust and set your charger for AGMs.

  4. A final clarification.  Most AC coaches like mine have two inverter/chargers and two banks of four 6 v batteries each.  They are wired totally separately with one inv/battery bank dedicated solely for the residential refer, the other inv/battery bank for all other 12 v requirements.  My set up is only one inverter charger but eight 6 v batteries to run everything.  I do not know why the original owner wanted eight batteries and only one inverter, but that's what I have.  These residential refers draw so little power, four 6 v batteries would have been plenty.  In fact, one of the guys in our club just went from four 6 v batteries to two 12 v batteries.

  5. There is a short article on RV sales on page 43 of the August issue of the FMCA magazine, entitled "RV Shipments Continue Upward Trend."  Briefly, it states 2016 will show an increase of 6% over 2015.  That 6% equates to 396,400 units, with the forecast for 2017 at 404,800 units.  This will be eight straight years of growth.  MH units will be 50,900 and 52,500 for 2016 and 2017 respectively.  Those numbers equal 13% of all sales for MHs...the best performance in a decade.

  6. On 7/25/2016 at 6:08 AM, jleamont said:

    Factory pick up cost more? :o. Wouldn't that save you money or maybe just a small amount for factory to put it in service, not that the dealers do it correctly anyway. But why the added cost?

    You are correct.  The factory charges a fee, but it should be added on to a price that would be considerably less than if purchased from a dealer.  That's how it should work...does it...who knows, I'm sure all factories are different.

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