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Posts posted by five

  1. Thanks, I know what the acronym stands for...as for your before or after discussion, on turbine aircraft, as I said earlier, they have either and EGT or TOT (turbine outlet temp) or PTIT (power turbine inlet temp).  Our turbo diesels and all turbines require a cool down prior to shutting down.  On MHs, idling while checking in or idling while finding your camp site is normally enough.  On a fixed wing aircraft, taxiing to the ramp is the cool down, with the engines virtually at idle.  On a rotary wing aircraft, that has to hover to parking, the cool down (at least on a Huey) is two minutes at idle.  IMHO, some times it appears we over think some of these issues.  If we needed gauges other than those that are OEM, and there were problems, the engine manufacturers would be putting out new information and more gauges.  I'm on diesel number four and never had any problems...if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  2. Back to the OP's question...if we were to go full time right now, I would not add any tools to those already on board.  However, if it has north of 450 ft/lbs of torque...that's why I pay Good Sam.  My on board tools are pretty complete...half inch drive set, 3/8" drive set, along with open end wrenches...but anything ''serious'' goes to GS.

  3. Would somebody kindly explain what an EGT guage is and why we need one?  I have a Silverleaf Chassis Monitoring System on this coach, which gives me eng and trans temp digitally to one degree.  I have an aviation back ground where we had either an EGT gauge, PTIT gauge or TOT gauge on various turbine engines so I know what they do and why they are there.  So I'm not exactly sure what is critical on a turbo diesel that needs another gauge...in addition to the Silverleaf.  

  4. Seven is right on the edge of being good...or being bad...good move to have them checked out.  We had a seven year old GY 670RV blow out last May.  The Good Sam service tech said he thought we had driven over some road debris.  Could be.  Also, our coach spent a long time sitting in the Texas sun prior to our purchase...so long that the inside wall facing west, faded.  That's the side the failed tire was on.

  5. 14 hours ago, Manholt said:

    FIVE.  Why did you buy it to begin with?  Mine don't last years...about 5 months.

    I did not buy it, D/W did...don't know why.  I've got a pair of shoes on which I use it.  The bar we have is very old, at least 25 years...the box is held together with masking tape.  I'd take a picture and post it, but that's above my pay grade.

  6. 18 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

    No it's terable down hear in Texas today was 74 and it is going all the way down to 55 tonight. You won't like it no snow,to warm and it might rain.:P REV Group has opend a new center but I haven't heard from anyone who has used them.


    Then one that gets good reviews from everyone I have talked to that have used them, Texas Custom Coach.


    Watch this video.


    I dropped off my coach at the new REV group's maintenance center last week for some warranty work.  There were a number of coaches in their "RV" lot awaiting parts.  I've had my appointment for over a month, so parts should not be an issue.  The only feedback I've gotten is from a guy who was basically satisfied with the work, but not some other aspects of the operation...returned the coach very dirty, lost some keys, some parts had to be reordered and some work had to be redone.

    So the jury is out...I'll keep you posted.

  7. I will never ever buy a new RV...again.:angry:  Didn't with this last one, and it's bad enough.  The previous was new, lots of issues, and nobody could  seem to figure out how to fix them or even who should fix them...chassis manufacturer or coach manufacturer.  While they fuss over who's going to fix it the warranty expires and then they say, "you're out of warranty, we'll have to charge you for that."

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