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  1. was all ready to pull the lanyard for T Mobile tech connect + until i read this thread. Guess I'll have to continue getting robbed by Verizon for a while longer. Looks like T Mobile was either not ready for this program or (more likely) doesn't want to support it. Really sounds like terrible service from the supplier.
  2. Rich, Serial # of unit: A0608781125 Jim: take a look at the lower picture posted by DickandLois on 17 Mar on page 2. I removed the solenoid from the starter. It doesn't look like the guts will come out of it because of the moulded metal cylinder that extends to about 3/4 of the way to the back. Looks like the porcelain (back) part was inserted into the cylinder and then the cylinder was crimped down with some sort of special tool. I'm sure that i could get it apart by prying on the crimps but would probably bust the porcelain housing in the process. No big deal as it don't work like it is. Still have not found a replacement part #. Yoke on the pinion gear is good as is the plunger in the solenoid so the problem has to be with the innards.
  3. Finally received new starter motor. Pulled the old motor (again) and bench tested both motors side by side using the same power supply (12v btry). Both motors reacted the same. Good spin up with the pinion gear slung forward. The only difference was the new motor slung the pinion gear forward with at least 10 times the force as compared to the old motor. Installed new motor in the genset and after priming the new fuel filter it cranked right up with very little effort. Going back to my original post, "Is it possible that the start motor reacts as indicated during bench test (no load) but does not have enough torque to turn the genset (max load)?", it appears that is exactly what was happening. Now, why did that happen? Apparently a solenoid that was working but certainly not very efficiently. As some have posted, it may simply be that the contacts need to be cleaned up. I'll take it apart next week and see what i can do. More info...Found a sticker near top on onan case that said engine type is in fact a Kubota model D722ES with output 14.9KW. Not sure why they would include that output on a 7.5KW genset. Who cares, it works for me. Starter motor has no multiplier or other gearing. Pinion gear engages directly with the flywheel to turn the engine. Thanks to all who replied to this topic without judgement and yes, thanks to Herman also even if he is a little quick to judge others.
  4. Herman, I am not trying to be disingenuous. All the tasks/results are as i describe them. Possibly i am confusing everyone with the pinion gear slinging forward but with not enough force to actually engage with and turn the flywheel. In one my original post i alluded to the possibility of the starter spinning but not developing enough torque to actually turn the flywheel. As has been posted, there may be a possibility of something broken with or on the pinion gear. The starter is still mounted in the genset. Got a Dr appt in Savannah this PM. Won't be able to get back to it until tomorrow. Not on the road. I'm at the sticks & bricks in coastal Ga. Haven't seen an electrical motor repair shop in this area for at least 10 years. Maybe a lost art. I'll check around the port shipping area while in Sav today. I have to be in Brunswick this weekend, should have time to check port area there also. Solenoid operation has me questioning my test's findings. I may be wrong but as i understand the operation of a solenoid it is essentially a mechanical relay that is used in high current situations. In other words, it simply relays voltage /current from on device to another. It either works or doesn't work. Since the starter motor spins i figured that the solenoid was working properly. Is this not correct?? Genset in my coach resembles the one in Hermans picture in that it is enclosed by panels for sound reduction. Mine is not mounted on a slide. Can be removed only by raising the front of the coach off the ground maybe by 1-2 ft and then getting something like a transmission jack under it to slowly lower it after disconnecting wiring and unbolting from the frame. Actually it looks as if they designed it to be lowered and removed by a forklift. New starter has shipped and is scheduled for delivery by fri PM. After post from Herman i intend to go back to the bench test to reconfirm action of started and pinion gear. don't know anything about disassembly/cleaning brass things inside solenoid but will give it a go. As suggested by Rich, i will not open starter package until diagnosis is confirmed. If not needed and non-returnable i will have a spare to haul around. .
  5. Rich, that is the correct starter (Denso Part # 191-2200). My order with the inet supplier is still "processing", with no ship date indicated. Glow plug prime is not the problem. Start sequence is only attempted after light on starter switch indicated that glow plug is ready. Temp in Southeast Georgia has been in the low 80's during the past week or so. Fuel pump line disconnected during test start attempt. Believe me, it is pumping as it should be. Start motor does not require fuel to turn the engine. It is strictly an electrical exercise. Fuel is required only to keep the engine running after the start sequence is successful. Here is my line of thinking/troubleshooting. Battery checked and is good. All battery connections from battery post up to starter motor checked and good. Fuses checked visually and with multimeter- both checks confirm good fuses. Starter motor is getting good power and spins but does not engage with flywheel. If start motor were good and functioning properly it would engage flywheel and attempt to turn flywheel. If engine were locked up and the starter was functioning properly it would engage the flywheel and draw so much current that it would very quickly overheat and blow some fuses. This is not happening. Anyone see any "holes" in this line of thinking?? Still waiting on new starter.
  6. Good point Herman. Went back and checked ground connection on genset. Sure nuff, the connection was loose. Tightened it down on the gen connection, couldn't see where braided cable from genset to ground was attached. Just knew that my problem was solved. Reinstalled starter ( I'm gettin pretty good at this by now) but same result. Starter spins but will not turn engine. I then attached a btry jumper cable from genset to vehicle frame with the same results. Spin but no start. Still waiting for Cummings to ship new starter. Any other ideas out there???
  7. Solenoid is on top of the starter. No missing or worn teeth on that portion of flywheel that can be seen. Flywheel was marked when i initially pulled the starter. It has not moved because mark is still in the same place even after reinstalling the starter and attempting to crank the engine on numerous occasions. No multiplier gear in my engine. Maybe not a Kubota, just my assumption (there's that word again). Could be a Ford or Chevy or Onan or anything else. No info on data sheets/stickers or owner's manual. Only name on genset box is Onan. Winding or brush issue was my first guess. Starter is a Denso, onan part #: 191-2200. Tried to order a brush set but supplier on inet said "no longer available." New starter should be here this week, then we'll know. If not a starter problem, well let's no go there right now. The thought pains me!!!
  8. Nope, did not attempt to turn engine by hand. Considered doing so but genset is mounted in the front cab area surrounded by insulated panels with no slide for access. Turning the engine by hand would require complete removal of genset from the coach. Doable but a taxing endeavor for someone in their late 70's. Flywheel teeth that are observable with the starter out look good. Ground (and positive) cable connections from btry compartment are clean, bright and tight both at the rear of the genset and then again at the starter motor. Won't crank means starter motor is turning but the kubota engine is doing nothing. No movement, no thud, no normal or abnormal cranking noise, no nothing. Start attempts are made using the local control on the generator control panel as well as the remote switches in the coach. Same results using either switch. Considered trying to wedge a screwdriver or other prying device in the flywheel teeth and trying to move it slightly but the downside (if it can go wrong, it will) of that move could go very wrong very quickly. Also working space is very limited as i am working only within the small access space provided in the oil& fuel filter space. .
  9. Finally got back to genset problem As Brett suggested , measured voltage @ starter when attempting to crank engine: results = 12.6 vdc constant indicating that starter in not engaging with flywheel. Pulled starter again & retested on bench. Starter motor spins up, pinion gear is working as the gear is slung forward with voltage applied. Voltage remains constant at 12.5vdc. I think that the motor is just not developing enough torque to turn the kubota. Although i don't like throwing parts at a problem without concrete diagnosis i ordered another starter from Cummings. Should be here sometime next week. Will post again when new starter is installed. Thks to all for your help.
  10. Thanks for replies. Good info from all. Won't have time to get back to genset problem until weekend. Will post results Saturday evening.
  11. waiting for helper to get back from hairdresser. More info: 7.5 KW quiet diesel HDKAJ Spec "J" 2005 model. Start motor sounds the same in the set as it does on the bench - in other words - "no load". Genset engine is not turning when starter is engaged. Sounds as if the start pinion gear is not engaging with the flywheel however the pinion gear was moving when bench tested leading to my suspicion that there is not enough torque to turn the engine. Ideas???
  12. Starter motor turns but will not crank genset. House batteries new and fully charged. Removed starter for bench test. Again, starter motor turns, meter shows 12.4 vdc while starter is under test. Reinstalled starter in genset with the same results-start motor solenoid engages with starter spinning but still will not crank genset. Is it possible that the start motor reacts as indicated during bench test (no load) but does not have enough torque to turn the genset (max load)? Cannot find Onan start motor on inet but found a Cummings starter that looks the same with the same part #. Looks like it would work but hesitate to order because "electrical" parts are generally non returnable. Could it be that the start motor just needs new brushes? Any help appreciated!!!
  13. Encourage all members to vote NO on this amendment. A YES vote might as well be another vote for disbanding FMCA in favor of Good Sam because the organization would only "mirror" GS Club. Think the Round Bottom Road CG is hard to get into now?? Wait until all the trailers show up!!! Jaye Brewer F375818 2006 itasca Meridian
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