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About coreygrubb

  • Birthday 06/26/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cedar Hammock, FL. & Milwaukee, WI.
  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. Parking on grass for any length of time will leech moisture and cause corrosion.
  2. Ron, we stay at McCormak Place located just south of the Loop. It is secure dry camping for $16.00/nite. Easy access to the El and cabs will pick you up at your coach.
  3. Call Randy or Rex at Panterra Coach in Holland.
  4. Medico, the $25.00 charge is an administration fee to set up the account which is basically a Love's only debit card. the $25.00 is refunded the time of your first use it. Geo.
  5. coreygrubb


    pics of the bus
  6. Both are fine. Join Prevost Community.com and sign up for a Loves Fuel Card (no cost for either) and get .10/gal off, but more importantly never have to go inside again....fuel and go. P.S. you don't have to own a Prevost.
  7. The answer to the question is: if it's a diesel gen-set, run it loaded and often.
  8. Jim, Plug in to plug in is when you go from one resort or campground to another. An entertainer is a band or Star bus, usually leased. Always Prevo's or MCI's. You can always tell....no awnings and lots of roof tops.
  9. If the Gen-Set is diesel, Run it loaded often and long. Plug in to plug in is the enemy. An Entertainer usually has the same number of hours on the Gen-Set as the bus.
  10. Been waiting for Michelin 315's for almost 3 mos. Now, no problems getting the 365's we needed.
  11. We have two domestic shorthairs and they are free to roam. Mostly they like to crawl under the covers and sleep, but sometimes the come up and lay on the dashboard (I have a special rug there) and help us navigate.
  12. Segregation, is not to be. I own a bus Conversion. Prevost. Country Coach by name. But it all started in a pop-up, then a travel trailer, Class C, gas motorhome, Diesel pusher,Several actually. Now a Prevost. I think that if you are in a tent, class C, or whatever. You are all on the same level, As you all enjoying the outdoors. It's about the people, not the vehicle.
  13. I have heard that there is a Walmart that allows overnite guests in Montreal and that is very near the public transportation, just off the motorway. A lot to take in. but, sound familiar?
  14. Going there myself, later this month. The weekend July 21 & 22. Sure hope it's cooler there than here. Always have a good time anyhoo.
  15. Then why bother. I am talking about your pride and joy. Your coach. Put a picture of that on. It brings some general info, so that we know you are geniune and who say you are. I don't need your social security number and if you ever give that out online, well, good luck.
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