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  1. Could someone please recommend a high quality, big rig campground near San Antonio. ( nice people, clean restrooms and power, some amenities,) Not trying to be cheap, but preferably monthly rates to stay a month or maybe two. Thank you very much.
  2. Does FMCA recommend or have partnerships with any rv windshield glass replacement companies? Could anyone please recommend a good one ? Thank you
  3. Thanks to all for the info.
  4. Can anyone tell me from experience what the weather would be like traveling from Myrtle Beach to San Antonio in January? Hope to avoid snow and freezing temps. Thank you
  5. Greetings! We are new to snowbirding and would appreciate advice, experiences, and recommendations for a high quality rv park or resort. We will be traveling December ‘22-March 2023. Interested in areas nearest the beach from Daytona to Fort Lauderdale, as we plan on several stops.Thank you!
  6. First time towing. What is the best route from Panama City FL to Denver CO, regarding clearances, weight, avoiding mountains, steep climbs, and availability of services. (Least time in middle of nowhere) . Have 8 yr old F53 V10 Coachmen Mirada 25k mi., towing 4dr Jeep, every bit of 25k lbs. Thank you very Much.
  7. I am planning a trip from State College pa to Nashville, Tn in August. We are traveling in a Ford V10 class C Coachmen. Could someone please tell me if it is advisable, or not, to take I68 to I 79 then I64 on to Nashville. This seems to be the shortest route. I have heard it is not the greatest, but trucks use it.(?). Your feedback appreciated. Mike K.
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