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Posts posted by jleamont

  1. 6 hours ago, huffypuff said:

    The front step did not turn back on and neither did the patio awning.

    I'm scratching my head! You did everything exactly as I would have (disconnected them from the circuit before pulling cables). The only thing I can think of since you didn't ark the cables or cross polarities is a defective battery that your meter isn't catching due to the series wiring. I guess all we can do is wait to see if its some sort of fluke that goes away once the batteries stabilize and if not test them individually. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

    We will need input from someone smarter than me on this but I think with the one way diodes the coach will see this as a simple "loade/draw" and not a battery to keep charged.


    Bill a diode in the circuit would be a must for me and circuit protection at the back of the coach. The coaches I have seen had nothing. 

  3. Bill, the older Jeeps had to have the key one click forward as well, no dead batteries. 

    Carl, M&G makes a brake system for the CRV. Of all vehicles ones that have dead battery issues sound like the best fit for that product!!

    Plus is a TRUE fully proportional system. 

    I am not a fan of a charge circuit, one more thing to go wrong. 

    the potential for pulling higher resistance through the trailer plug that is already a poor design and quality and you have to have a solid circuit protection for the coach just in case something goes wrong. Plus with coaches today that are equipped with AGM batteries (or changed over in my case) now you have one odd ball battery in the charging bank that’s a wet cell. 

  4. We had a Blue Ox Patriot that was moved throughout several Jeeps, we traveled for days and never a dead battery. The battery in our current CRV and those jeeps we’re comparable in Amp hours and not one dead battery.

    In the CRV why is the key on acc while in tow? Would someone in a CRV benefit from a well designed system like M&G where no electronics or draw come into play?

  5. This topic came up on another post on carrying extra fuel on board in cans, which lead into what is carried in a Diesel coach to prime fuel filters. I figured I'd share this to help others that are faced with that challenge. Not all engine are equipped with electric fuel pumps or manual hand primers, so this can be a challenge depending on your specific coach.

    I carry one of these and a plug for the center of the filter so I do not introduce unfiltered fuel into the engine, and of course a box of rubber gloves and all of the tooling to get the job done. I keep everything (tool wise) in a tote so it stays clean.


    I guess this wouldn't work on every DP due to fuel tank access on certain manufactures can be tough.


  6. 17 minutes ago, DickandLois said:

    Diesel in a can comes handy when one needs to change filters.

    I guess I overthought this, I have a siphon device to drop into he fuel tank to fill my filters.

    16 minutes ago, hermanmullins said:

    Back to he question. To vent or not to vent. Gas cans both metal and other materials are all over the spectrum Some are vented for ease of pouring and some are not (glug,glug). Some are have pouring spouts some don't. If you are comfortable with a vented, non vented can in your back seat or trunk of your car the is your choice but please don't park or drive too close to me.

    My choice, in the bed of the truck strapped down and vented and non vented, I have both and sometime fill both.

    Be safe and smart.


    good points!

  7. My only concern on a new can would be the sun building up pressure and the can exploding from no way to vent pressure. I know I have two of the new design cans and in the summer I have to manually vent them every so often or they start to turn round from excessive pressure build up, and those are stored in my garage. If it was just a short run to a gas station to fill them up and come back, my only concern is they would be properly secured in the back of the truck.

  8. 37 minutes ago, blakleyfamily said:

    Had a discussion with one of my neighbors the other day about driving while storing 5 gallon fuel cans. I've been doing it for years...seal em up tight. He says he opens the vent to prevent pressure build up while driving. Don't think so.

    What kind of fuel, Diesel or Gasoline and where are they stored?

  9. 6 hours ago, huffypuff said:

    It is hot as heck there during the summer and not enough shade.  Yes, eggs will fry on the sidewalk.  

    That's for sure! We went there after meeting up with Kay in Alabama over the summer a few years ago, it was muggy, really muggy. But its New Orleans, we still had a blast!

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