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  1. They sent me a netgear hotspot promptly. But it was loaded with the wrong SIM card and does not work. They were supposed to send me another SIM overnight. Didn't do it. I still have no working hotspot and of course, still paying for it. Now we're leaving town for two months. Would have liked to have it for the trip. I guess I'll put it on vacation hold so I don't get charged more for a non-working hotspot.
  2. The moxie has no screen. No way to see if its charged or signal. Just suddenly happened. It's still working as I'm still connected.. Opened a tech support ticket. We shall see.
  3. I have the new one from ATT. I was trying to use the original TMobile hotspot with a new sim.
  4. I got a new sim. Apparently, that doesn't matter. I'm guessing my grand idea is a bust. Will have to get a new hotspot.
  5. Yes... everything works to link computer and phone... but the TVs just basically say they are unable to comply.
  6. Got the moxie. Put the SIM in a netgear nighthawk mr1100... Computer and phone hook up fine with using either device. BUT I cannot get any of our TVs (3) to hook on to the wifi. They see it, but can't hook on... WHAT AM I MISSING??
  7. For whatever reason, my moxie was set up strangely that two of my devices would not hook up and two did no problem. Weird. Anyway, got a nighthawk router - put in the chip and its a much better router.
  8. So, the Moxie is WPS... and both my phone and the one TV asks for WPA... Neither my phone or TV will hook up with the moxie. The TV does list it as an option but can't hook up. Now, my computer and our front TV have no problems at all.. ???
  9. Apparently, our 08 weatherpro awning needs a new arm where the motor sits on the right arm. There is too much play where the motor sits (there's tabs apparently) and it doesn't engage the roller consistently. Of course, this model was discontinued long ago. AND of course, thinking it was the motor - ordered one. And can't send it back because it took too long to diagnose the problem. So, I've got a $500 motor sitting in the garage. Any sage advice for locating an awning arm or am I doomed to replace the entire thing? Heard the arms won't cover the same holes - creating yet another problem. Thanks
  10. Hello electrical experts. Opinions needed.Need new batteries as they are 7 years old. AGM? Heard they don't last much longer and are pricy. Worth the investment?Next, we have a solar controller. The instruction manual gives a dire warning of not disconnecting the batteries unless the solar panel is disconnected. If charging, it says the solar will/can create a spike which can damage 12 volt stuff if battery disconnected.Will swapping the batteries out in a garage eliminate that issue? Otherwise, it appears we have to disconnect the panel wriring from the back of the controller in the closet.I'm hoping our mechanic is aware of all of this, but I like to be informed to make sure it all happens correctly.Also, our chasse batteries are also hooked to the solar (we are also getting new batteries for that since they are 6 years old)
  11. Hi... had good luck with Tmobile. If I wanted to buy a plan, could I use the same mifi? FMCA doesn't want it back... But it might be registered to them? Any ideas?
  12. Hmm. I ended up with the alcatel to replace the older hotspot. I did log in and change it to 5g... so we shall see...
  13. So, got the "new" version of the hotspot and retired the old one. Less than 2 months later the sucker is DEAD... will not turn on.. Took the battery out and re-installed just for grins.. but of course - no love... AND we are traveling - perfect. So I don't have the box to mail this one back... and I'm not home to get a new one.. Sigh...
  14. FIXED! FMCA emailed me directions to access the hotspot directly to make the changes. Easily done. And yes, it's a "rental" hotspot apparently which is owned by FMCA. Not exactly clear on the website regarding any of the process (if indeed this is the process and not a mistake). But all is well now. We'll see if Sprint is a good choice for our travels.
  15. Okay... up and running - under the prior owner's information. No way to change that or the password... Left a message with Brett.. hmm might be a good thing. Maybe they will be billed... Can't log into Sprint to change it's not in my name... Boy this is fun...
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