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    Washington state
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    Full-time in my motorhome

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  1. We have the Oasis system in our Newmar. We full time so it gets lots of use. There is an annual " service kit " which is very simple to install. I did have an issue earlier this year which wasn't covered in their online manual, so I called their Tech line - great service and detailed questions led them to conclude it was a small " diode " looking part that is part of the safety system - shuts down the fuel supply if it senses a problem. A $4.00 part, and 30 minutes install. Heater itself is a very simple design - I think they developed it for the military first ( Tent heater ), then moved into boats, and finally RV. I know they supply Newmar - not sure who else uses them.
  2. I have NSA tow setup. Missed a turn leaving rest stop on Florida Turnpike. Toad was straight behind MH and was able to back about 8' to make turn. 2nd time I tried at a truck stop fuel lane - toad began to jack knife immediately so I stopped. No ill effects to tow bar, but sure is difficult to keep toad straight. Don't recommend it.
  3. Has anyone recently tried Dish Networks Satellite Internet service ? They calim they have revamped systems to provide decent speeds. Not looking to stream video or music - just good browsing & email speed. Thx.
  4. Have been with National General ( Good Sam ) for last 4 years since purchasing our MH. I check rates each year, and do find other companies who appear to be lower. On 2 occasions, I have decided to move to another insurer, only to find out that they all seem to have a " catch " once they feel they have you hooked. Also have found many companies do not offer full-timer coverages.
  5. Getting back to the original poster's question, if you are planning on financing anything - car, boat motorhome.....set it up before you retire so you can show steady income to cover the loan. In my experience, lenders, rightly or wrongly, do not put same amount of weight when considering wage income vs. investments and pension incomes. Some will not even consider your net worth in their reviews ! To rodger......not really interested in your biased opinion of purchasing used vs. new, Each of us makes our own decisions based on our personal preferences and financial capabilities.
  6. Have yet to see a roof ladder with a bunch of stuff strapped to it, laying on the side of the road, but it is crazy how much stuff some people tie to their ladders! They put a lot of faith in six or eight small screws into fiberglass!
  7. Sewage odor from the grey tank can smell worse than the black sometimes. We use 1/2 cup of Oxyclean mixed with 2 cups of hotwater, into a partially filled closed tank. Seems to do the trick. Occasionally we will do this after dumping, prior to moving down the road so stuff has time to swish around a bit.
  8. Aside from the availability of a baseplate, the issue that sometimes occurs when towing a manual transmission vehicle, is that, depending on the design, the bearings inside the transmission don't receive enough lubrication. Even when trans is in neutral, there are still spinning parts inside. You can add a Lube Pump (Remco) to the transmission, and / or a driveshaft disconnect.
  9. You might want to check with Freightliner. Thought I read somewhere that tapping into coach air system would void warranty ??
  10. Try a couple of the Hot Rod parts suppliers like Hagens, Speedway, Summit Racing. They sell 3 point belts that might work out.
  11. Another trick is to center the rear wheels over a slight depression / ditch to give you the extra height.
  12. Tried a few Gas coaches before we purchased our Ventana 4037. Yes, the DP is more money, but as you mentioned, ride quality and quietness makes a huge difference in your MH experience. Imagine when you need to do an 8 hour day behind the wheel, with a cross wind (it happens), and heavy truck traffic. Hands down the DP wins. Another plus is the DP will not depreciate as quickly as the gas unit. If you can, factory order the coach with exactly the options you want/need, rather than purchasing a loaded dealer unit. For example we deleted exterior TV, and interior TV over dash, and used savings toward the Oasis heating system. Another item we saved a few thousand dollars on was going with carpet in the bedroom rather than extending a few square feet of ceramic tile. All a matter of personal preference to each individual, but something to consider.
  13. We have the flush mounted windows in our MH. There is a decent amount of cross flow ventilation, particularly on the larger windows. The crank mechanism is pretty substantial so I think if you left them open while driving you would be OK. ( Never tried it ), You can leave them open during the rain which is a plus. Actual vent size is small enuf that someone can't crawl thru while you are away. Overall, has not been an issue.
  14. As Walt2137 said, use the nuts with the wires attached to slide down inside the frame. When things are tight, you can trim off excess wire if you wish. Lay the blue ox brackets onto your car frame to mark location for holes to be drilled.
  15. We spent 2 weeks at Carrabelle beach in February - quaint little fishing town. RV Resort is good quality, right across 2 lane hwy from beach. Laid back, good seafood. Close to ST. Johns Island for touristy stuff.
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