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  1. Sadly our health requires us to sell our beloved Safari Panther. We'd also like to sell the tow vehicle along with it, which is a Subaru Forrester. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to list it? It's up on the Safari International Facebook page already. Local RV dealers (we're in the Sacramento, California area) take a huge cut if sold on consignment. We've created a flier to promote the rig. What else should we do? Any suggestions are welcome. Albert and Linda
  2. We are currently paying over $1000.00 a year. We are fairly new at this so we could use some advise...
  3. http://hitthefrogandtoad.com/waiting-to-die/
  4. Can anyone share their experience on driving the Oragon coast on hwy 1 in a motorhome larger than 40ft? In California, the DOT has made large sections of Hwy 1 are off limits for RVs that are 40ft and larger. But what about Oregon? Has anyone driven that section with a big rig? Our Safari Panther is 42 foot and we tow a car. Albert and Linda
  5. Herman, thanks for the quick reply. I now have part numbers which lets me make targeted searches, although so far, no one has them in stock. The search continues . . . Casual454, thank you for the link. That looks quite promising as they have several Safari motorhomes in their lot, all of which appear to use the same lens covers. I will contact them and see if they can help.
  6. Hi, can anyone help me out please? I have a 2004 Safari Panther and I stupidly busted the lens covers of my rear light (right hand side) and I am having a real hard time finding new ones. My local RV service shop has been in contact with Allied, but they can't help. I understand that the original manufacturer is Triplex and they do not seem to exist anymore. I am now stuck. Does anyone have any idea where to try getting these covers or know of a newer light assembly that will fit? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!!
  7. Hi everyone, I'd like to hear opinions on the "typical" floor plans of the newer motor homes. We have a 2004 Safari Panther, a 42ft diesel pusher that has a large kitchen, two sofas, 1 bathroom, a queen bed and decent size closet. This is our first motorhome so have nothing to compare it too. In looking around at other motorhome sand visiting manufacturer's websites, we found that newer coaches pretty much all have two bathrooms and huge closets. Consequently, the kitchens have shrunk and some coaches only seem to have sitting room for 2 or 3 people. Looking at floor plans, it seems that HALF of the total available square footage is taken by bathrooms and bedroom. This is quite a departure from our 11 year old Safari, where the bathroom+bedroom takes up about 1/3 of the overall space. To us, the newer coaches are impractical and consider these HUGE bedrooms and two bathrooms somewhat a waste of precious space. We LOVE the counter space in our kitchen, we LOVE how both of us can stretch out on a sofa (or have 4 or 5 people pop over for a drink and have comfy seat to sit on). So . . . Are we "different" in thinking like that. I mean, do you REALLY want half of your coach taken up by bed and bath rooms? Or is this just a "fad"? I'd love to hear your opinion on this.
  8. Hi. I have an aqua hot system in my 2004 Safari Panther. Just took it out of storage to get ready for a trip and ran the aqua hot to warm up the coach. Not too cold (about 42 degrees) so nothing extreme. After it reached 69 degrees I turned it off at the switch. I used the diesel setting as I do not have a 30 or 50 amp outlet at my house. After about an hour I noticed that the aqua hour was "humming", like something was turning, but did not sound like a fan. I also unplugged the power, but it continued. I've never heard this before. Does anyone have any idea what that sound could be? Thanks got any input. Albert
  9. I also have a Karma Go and I have nothing but GOOD things to say about this device. It is awesome! No smartphone or plan involved. You simply buy the device, then buy data. The date does not expire unlike, for example, Verizon's Jetpack hotspot, where any unused data expires after 30 days (use it or lose it). Karma does not work like that, when you buy the data, the device is "loaded" and you just use it until you have depleted the amount you purchased, then you can top it up. They had a "2 for the price of 1" deal a about 3 months ago and I purchased 40Gb and still have 30 Gb left. It uses the Sprint LTE network and, so far, have had great coverage. Connection speeds obviously vary with the strength of the coverage, but I have had speeds as high as 13 Gbps. I have not tried their unlimited date for $50/month yet. They cap the speed to 5mbps, but it is unlimited. I am very tempted. I have no affiliation with Karma by the way, just a happy user after trying various hotspot solutions.
  10. WOW . . . 4 batteries and you only drop to 80% !! That is impressive and way better than I am seeing with my setup. What kind of batteries do you have? What AmpHour rating?
  11. Hi DesertDeal, thanks for the response. I am very intrigued by the drop in current draw simply by installing a new inverter. I have been considering that too, not because of any suspicions on draw, but because I want a true sine wave output. Can you share what model inverter you got? I assume you also got a remote panel for it? Also, I am VERY impressed you got 6 panels and a 40 amp charge controller for under $1000. Again, can you tell me more? Like where did you get those? Did you install them your self?
  12. Kay, thanks for your response. I have a Samsung reefer (3 door) and the max amp rating is 5.3A (and I have a switch inside to turn off the ice maker). I am impressed with your 48 hour. Do gel batteries need any special considerations with regards to charging? Or can you simply switch the old ones for gel ones (other any 6V vs 12V wiring of course)?
  13. Thanks all for the VERY informative feedback.
  14. We own a 2004 Safari Panther, a 42 footer. Overall a wonderful motorhome, but the previous owner put in a residential reefer, which, of course, will only run on 120V I have four 6V Golf cart batteries (226 Amp Hour each) and I have two 100W Solar panels on the roof. I am finding that this setup is not sufficient for any real dry camping/boon docking. Switching to the inverter will run the reefer overnight, but drains the batteries to 30% by morning. The two 100W solar panels will not re-charge the batteries during the day. I looked at adding more batteries and going up to 600W solar (the max I can add to the current system), but was told (reputable RV Solar company) that that setup will still not do what I want and will still require me to run the generator, PLUS, it is quite costly. So my other option is to replace the residential reefer with one that can run on Propane. So my question is has anyone had a similar experience and how did YOU solve it. And, does anyone have any recommendations on reefers? Thanks for your ideas/suggestions. Albert and Linda
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