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About mikecoke

  • Birthday January 3

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  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. Has the 2024 indio rally really been cancelled?
  2. Thanks but that is not my Model I have the DP 9000
  3. Question for folks that have a Dimplex Fireplace Heater. When the thermostat shuts the Heater element off, does the Fan stop running? On our unit the fan continues to run all the time blowing cold air the fan never stops.
  4. I have been using the Swagman 3 bike towing rack for several years and I highly recommend it. In No v. 2009 we were rearended by a fully loaded Gravel truck with a loaded trailer while towing our toad with 2 bikes on the rack behind the Motorhome. The Swagman stopped the toad from hitting the rear of the Motorhome. The tow bar broke in two, the drawbar was bent and the Hitch on the Motorhome was bent, but the Swagman received only minor damage & is still in use today. I have included a pic of the front damage that was done by the Swagman bike rack to our toad a 1972 VW Beetle. Mike
  5. Hello all, If anyone is interested you can follow our travels this winter on our Blog at travelblog.org at the below address. http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/MikeCoke/ I'm a little behind & will catch up soon & keep the Blog up today. Mike >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------- Mike, Wendy & Gordon our Yellow Lab 2004 Winnebago Sightseer 27C Boondocking with Solar Panels, Inverter & Generator Manual Roof Mount Hughes Internet Satellite System 89W 1150 http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=2276 we2rv.com http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/MikeCoke/ ---------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Anyone have any info about the following statement I heard. "The spring 2012 FMCA rally in Pomona is being canceled to concentrate on attendance at a single summer rally." Mike
  7. Jim I know I'm late in replying but thought I post anyway. We towed a Standard 1972 VW Beetle for about a year until it was rear-ended & totaled. In that year it was towed close to 7000 miles with no problem. We used the standard VW Beetle tow bar that can be bought for $100 or less. Here are pics of the 72 Beetle before & after it was totaled. http://we2rv.com/ Now we tow a 1973 standard VW Beetle and so far we have owed it about 3000 miles. If you have any questions you can contact me via PM or post it here. Mike
  8. Thanks. That is the Map I was trying to find. Mike
  9. What you use for internet access depends on where you travel. We just spent close to 2 weeks in Utah and for most of the time we were camped we had no Verizon service at all. Forest Service CGs around Fish Lake & the CG in Capitol Reef NP. We also spend time in Death Valley NP each year & again there is no Verizon Service there. So for us we will continue to use our roof mounted Motosat dish for internet. I bought it used on eBay & installed it myself and the total cost was under $1500 and we pay $80 a month for service. If cell ever truly covers all of the US then I may change. Mike
  10. We found an online map that showed the rally grounds and where the different parking areas were, but now we can't find it again. Does anyone know where it is, or can you post a link to it? Mike
  11. Thanks for the Comments & good wishes. Frame checked out OK New hitch has been mounted & new tow bar purchased to tow thw new to us 1973 VW Beetle. More of of Sunshine here>>> 1973 Beetle Pics Mike
  12. On our way South for the Winter traveling down Interstate 5 just north of Sacramento. Traffic came to a sudden stop and, after we had stopped, we felt a big wham. I said S*** there goes the VW. We were towing a restored 1972 VW Beetle. A fully loaded transfer dump truck with trailer could not stop and plowed into our '72 Beetle, "Barney." Barney was totaled and the good thing is that the Swagman bike rack that mounts to the hitch bar stopped Barney from hitting the back of the motorhome. Both bikes were damaged, the hitch was bent, the ball mount bar was bent under 180 degrees and, to top it off, the Swagman bike rack came out undamaged. More Pic can be seen at Barney's web page below Barney's Web Page Mike Mike, Wendy & Gordon our Yellow Lab The CokeCachers 2004 Winnebago Sightseer 27C - Toad 1973 VW Beetle Retired National Park Ranger Boondocking with Solar Panels, Inverter & Generator Motosat F1 D2 Internet Satellite System Click to see where we are >> http://map.datastormusers.com/user2.cfm?user=2276
  13. Here is my 2 cents. What is best for me may not be best for you. I go to a lot of places that have NO or very weak Cell service so I chose to ge with satellite Internet setvice. Started out with a tripod system then moved to a Manual roof mount where I climbed up on the roof & aimed the dish. Then I bought a used Motosat system that all I have to do is push a button & on average I online in less than 5 minutes. I am not a full timers we are on the road 6 8 months a year. I also use the satellite syatem at home. I have a dish mounted in the back yard & when I'm home I just move the modem from the RV to the house. My automatic used Motosat system cost me $1500 & I installed in on my own. I can't hace internet while we are going down the road & if I want to connect I have to park & wait 5 minutes to get online but I also have internet the 30 days I stay in Death Valley where an Cell air card will not work. Mike
  14. We adopted Gordon at the ASPCA in Las Vegas, NV after our Chocalate Lab Sam died while we were camp hosting in Death Valley NP Dec. 2007. Weren't sure how Gordon would fit into our RVing lifestyle but he has taken to it very well. Pics are 1 & 2 Gordon sleeping with his friends 3 Gordon's first Christmas Mike & Wendy
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