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About williames

  • Birthday 04/11/1942

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  • I travel

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  1. Location of oil sender unit on cummings 350 engine
  2. Something has to be getting wet under the floor on the frame.
  3. I was driving my 40 ft Holiday Rambler Ambassador over the I-80 Pass in California, headed for Reno when I was caught in a snow storm at the summit. The ABS and ATC lights both came on. At first everything seemed normal except for the ABS and TCA lights. Then during the descent the brake air gage started to swing wildly between 80 pounds and up to 150 pounds. When I finally parked at home the lights were still on. The next morning every thing had dried out, the ATC and ABS lights were gone. Can anyone tell me where the system box is located on the frame so it can be sealed if possible. Thanks Bill Smith
  4. Can Forever Tape be used to replace Caulk ?
  5. Any advice on where to buy small parts for 2005 HR Rambler Ambassador. I have a broken shower frame part and no dealers seem to carry. Any help would woul be great, Thanks
  6. I have a 2005 HR Ambassador. The warning horn for low air doesn't stop for as long as 20 minutes and the air is well above what is needed. At least once it didn't stop for an entire trip. Any help on a solution.
  7. The panel looks hard to take off with all the attaches and water fittings. This looks like an extremely difficult task, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. I have an HR Ambassador 2005, My auto water hose retractor stopped working but I can hear the motor running when I push the power button. I think I will try the repair my self does anyone any suggestions and does the panel have to be removed to to get to the drive?
  9. I have a HR Ambassador 2005 with 4 sides, my manual refers to lock bars to be removed when letting out the side outs. Either they didn't get passed along during the ownership transfer or I just don't know what they look like or how or why they are used! Can anyone educate me. Thanks
  10. I removed the handle and there was no wires for power. Guess the Ambassador is a cheaper model that doesn't light. Thanks Bill
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