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Holiday Rambler

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Purchased new Class A 2017 Holiday Rambler Vacationer XE in March.  Nothing but problems.  Motorhome still at the dealers facility  W A I T I N G  for Warranty Authorization and body work repair.  Holiday Rambler appears to have no Quality Control function whatsoever in their Manufacturing facility in Decatur Indiana nor does General RV in Dover Florida.  Warranty Authorization on new motorhome from Holiday Rambler takes far too many days with little to no explanation for delays.  May be due to others having similar problems with their new HR motorhomes. 

This is our fourth motorhome (two Winnebagos and one National Tradewinds) and is the singular worst RV experience we have ever suffered.

This "new" Holiday Rambler will be For Sale as soon as it is in condition to sell. Other HR purchasers appear to have done the same thing for the same reason.  Yeah, we are going to take a loss, but we are powerless in this situation.

Don't buy Holiday Rambler unless you have lots of time to wait for corrective action and warranty service. 

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Carl, cthiggy has several post on his cosch. It seems like everything thing in the coach has a problem. I think he must have told the salesperson at General RV that he knew all about Motor Homes and didn't need  PDI. If he had many of his issues should have been discovered and solved before he took possession of the coach. If it were me the condition he is describing would have canceled the sale right the and there



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That was my question.  If this coach is brand new and had all of those problems, how is it that he ever took delivery!  If he took delivery without any kind of PDI or self inspection it's hard to imagine the problems he must now be dealing with to get things fixed.

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One thing for sure is if the dealer has his money from the sale (cash or finance) they won't be in too big of a hurry to correct problems.

On the other hand if fixing or not fixing the unit before delivery means they won't get their money until the work is done it is amazing how much can get done.

One thing for sure the RV Industry is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!


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That is absolutely true Herman. When I was doing my PDI wich included a test drive because they had changed the rear tires. While waiting for them to get the proper paper tags installed we were running on the generator to keep it cool (it was a typical august day about 105*) The generator shut down. Short story is I said call me when it is fixed. 3 days later it was ready to do the test drive. They had to remove the generator and take it to Cummins FW and get it back installed so I thought 3 days was pretty fast. I don't want to know how long it would have taken if they had the money in their pocket.


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Bill the sad part.....they pulled the generator and sent it out for repair and all it probably needed was a new belt :lol: :ph34r:

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  On 5/4/2017 at 11:41 AM, jleamont said:

Bill the sad part.....they pulled the generator and sent it out for repair and all it probably needed was a new belt :lol: :ph34r:

The radiator was plugged with "crystals" and shutting down because of hi temp. I think they were  silica crystals. Cummins replaced the radiator and the belt. I did go talk to the Cummins shop after to see what kind of antifreeze they used and to verify what I had been told.


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  On 5/4/2017 at 11:41 AM, jleamont said:

Bill the sad part.....they pulled the generator and sent it out for repair and all it probably needed was a new belt :lol: :ph34r:

Yes but even then it would have to come out to get the real panel off that includes the three front ones. 

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  On 5/4/2017 at 2:48 PM, jleamont said:

That's a new one!

I had not heard of it before but there were a flurry of post about the problem. I think it happens when the unit sits for long periods of time with a high silica antifreeze. Try doing a google search on it.


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I have had people mix different antifreeze types and create sludge in a cooling system, crystals are a new one. With the amount of different antifreeze products on the market today you can really do some serious damage to a cooling system with the wrong coolant, crystals wouldn't surprise me one bit, chemicals are chemicals. Maybe someone added DEF to it :lol:, I had a driver fill his washer tank with it :wacko:

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One of the coolant problems is that the chassis manufacturer puts the coolant in the MH, not the engine maker.  In my case, DD uses Extended Life Coolant (ELC) where Freightliner uses standard ethylene glycol.  I had already purchased a gallon of ELC, before I found out that it is the wrong coolant.

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Nope, Freightliner SLM.  2013, 14 and 15 are all on Freightliner.  500 HP and above get the SLM, less than 500 HP get the XCM.  Don't know about the newer ones.

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Yea, but I'd take a Detroit Diesel over an ISX any day. I'd live with the Freighliner chassis just for that engine. If the ISX had a better track record I'd sway the other direction. 

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