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Error Code EX-1 ?????

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Almost all the time I get this error code when trying to access the forums. No problem getting into the main site.

Always works the second time around.




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FMCA IT is currently researching this issue. It began to occur after an update that was forced upon the platform by the company that created the software. Without updating the platform we would have fallen outside of the realm of support for any issue. We will update you once we have found a solution to the problem.



Jason Gabbard

IT Director

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Thanks for the progress update Larry and Jason! Finding a software problem is not easy or fast, if it was, anyone could do the job; or so my daughter told me. I suspect Apple agrees - now.

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Hi All,

The forums software is something that we purchase from another company, and it appears that the issue began when we did the last recommended update by the software provider.

In hopes of resolving the issue we have added a patch to the member login module on fmca.com that we think may fix the problem.

So if you could please logout, then trying logging in again.

If after logging out and logging back in, you again experience this issue please send a email to itdept@fmca.com.

Larry Pennington

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I am going to put in a ticket with the software provider.

I too got the error this morning, then i refreshed the page and all loaded as expected.

Because we purchase the license for this software we are unable to modify it.

Will keep you all updated as I find things out.

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Hi All,

After putting in a ticket with the software provider, when they responded they suggested some changes on our end that I just completed. We will see if this corrects the EX-1 issue we have been experiencing.

If you or anyone else you know run into the EX-1 issue please email itdept@fmca.com and let us know. Any emails going to itdept@fmca.com is sent to the mailboxes of everyone in I.T., that way we are sure that someone will see it and contact you back.



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With the changes the IT department has just made, please only post occurrences of the Error Code EX-1 that occur from here forward.

Rather than have others having to wade  through 3 pages of "it is happening to me" (before the change that was just implemented) I have deleted all but the initial post and actual updates on what is happening and how it has been addressed by FMCA Staff.

Again, a BIG THANKS to the IT department for getting this fixed!


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