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Flat towing F150

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Has anyone had problems with towing their F150? Returned home from Texas last Sunday to find oil all over the back of my truck and the smell of burnt clutch and ATF. When I went to disconnect it and take it out of neutral tow mode I started the engine and blue smoke came out the exhaust and a loud grinding noise occurred. Had it towed to Ford and they are replacing the engine, transmission and transfer case. Has anyone else experienced this problem before????

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Not sure about Ford but most trucks need to be 4X4 and  in gear or park with tranfer case in neutral 

How did you have it when towing  

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I've seen several reports of Fords jumping out of Tow Mode while being towed - it's usually been traced to the battery dropping below a certain voltage while being towed.

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Ford is still trying to figure it out, apparently the problem started 2 miles from home??? The odd thing is the engine and transmission became so hot that they melted together, with all of the oil everywhere it should have burned to the ground. sandyhepburnI mentioned your comment and it is a possibility that they’re now looking into, thank you.

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Ford has had problems for 10+ years. They bought back a friends Ford after they put in 3 transmissions between Dallas and Birmingham, AL. First one was in Shreveport, next in Jackson, MS and last one in Birmingham. They left the car there and drove back home in the motorhome. It took almost 90 days but they did get a full refund plus the cost of the baseplate.  

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