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Wondering What to Do with the Grandkids?

Send Your Kids or Grandkids to Arkansas Summer Camp! By Bob and Pam Stephens Do you have your grandkids for a part of the Summer? When you are traveling through, stop awhile and let your kids go to camp. They will have a great time, traveling with you and attending a great camp! Why not think about this: Summer camp is a right of passage for many kids. It gives them a chance to have tons of fun away from their parents, but it also gives them a chance to learn new skills, make new friends,




Home Away From Home?

by Bob and Pam Stephens Looking to Find Your Arkansas Home Away From Home? When you plan an RV trip to Arkansas, the problem won't be finding a decent place to pull up your RV - the problem will be deciding which RV Park you want to call home during your stay. Arkansas RV parks are dotted all over the state, and many of them offer world-class amenities and activities for everyone in the family. The easiest way to narrow down all of your options is probably to figure out what kind of vacation




Getting accustomed...

It is not like I have not been around the motorhome crowd for a long time. I have worked at Family Motor Coaching magazine since 1989. But it's one thing to write about it, or meet people who know about it, or learn the difference between a converter and an inverter. When the motorhome is sitting your backyard, it's personal. And since I'm the only person in my household, save for one cat, it's really in my face. There's nobody between me and Minnie's generator issues, or her water tank, or t




What makes our relationships good?

If you have been reading this blog, you know that I am doing some research into what makes marriages strong for those of us who RV. I still have a lot more work to do, but I thought I would share some preliminary results with you. So far, I have found 3 themes. These are in no particular order. The first theme is, "Vacation time." Going out in the RV is like going on vacation. People who affirm this theme say that it's the shared excitement of doing something together that keeps their marriage




A Place for Everything & Not Much Is In Its Place

Full-Timing was an easy choice. It was the only choice if we wanted to enjoy winter sun in the South and summer's cool breezes in the North. We had burned our bridges behind us. There are no regrets, only vibrant memories of spending our days on the water, then touring on land to new horizons. Not only did we have to consider our ages, but also there were unknowns. Then, at 88, how long would Cor be able to renew his driver's license? How long would my eyes hold out? Or, should I say "eye"




The Signs Along the Way!

By Pamela Stephens Have you ever noticed that road signs are a lot like life? We’ve gone down the road in our motorhome and sometimes I get bored, just sitting! Big surprise! Sometimes I am reading, sometimes I am crocheting, but sometimes I am lost in a daydream. At other times, I am “observing†the signs of life! • “Wrong Way†or “Do not enter†are important signs when driving a 38-foot motorhome! You really could end up where you don’t belong! A one-way road is definitely




I've Been Thinking...

Written by Pamela Stephens I was just thinking…I’ve posted a lot of our RV photos taken throughout Canada here on the FMCA website, (see Album “Oh Canadaâ€) and it really made me feel like I had just taken the trip all over again! And it put me in a very nostalgic mood remembering some of the things that we spoke about in the days before it took place! During the planning of our trip, all of us got together to consider what we wanted to do “as a group†to make it a terrific experi




Up And Running At Last

We survived YEAR ONE and learned a lot in the process, including some "Don'ts" and plenty of "Dos." This blog is directed toward people who have said to us, "I wish we had the courage to do that." To do what? To realize that time plods on and if you have any unfulfilled desires, you'd better act on them. For better or worse, we did just that. Our timing was classic. We bought a used 36-foot National RV Dolphin LX. Within weeks, National went belly-up. We planned to drive to Denver to check o




Where Is Your Mate's Head??

by Pamela Stephens Sounds like the question that was popular many years ago, “It’s 10 o’clock. Do you know where your child is?†Perhaps this is a sore subject, but do you know what your spouse has planned for their (and thus your) retirement? Okay, he wants to fish and whittle toys for grandsons. Great!! Eventually that will wear off! You can only fish or go bowling so many times before coming to the conclusion that this isn’t what you thought it would be! Have you had the discu




Depression can kill you

Here is some news you can use. I just read a study from Sweden that showed that people who are depressed are significantly more likely to have a stroke. Seems that being depressed can literally kill you. Fortunately, we know that having an emotionally significant relationship and being physically active are powerful protectors against depression and against heart disease - and if this study is correct, against stroke, too. As those of you who read this blog know, I am investigating what it is th





Well, we finally received that long awaited call. The local Cat dealer got the starter for our generator, and our SeeYa was ready for duty again. We could hardly wait to get back on the road. It was interesting. The very first trip we did not go far from home, and we hardly ventured out of the motor home the entire weekend, except to take our daily 4-5 mile walk, plus a bike ride or two. Other than that, we both were busy nesting. Making our baby "ours" again. Nesting is something that usually




We've Still Got It!!

By Pamela Stephens, baby boomer As Baby Boomers, we have collectively set quite a few trends and even a few fads. Because our ranks are many, Boomers have lined the pockets of many a toy maker with the likes of hula hoops, Davey Crockett coonskin caps, Tiny Tears dolls, and Tinker Toys; and many a gal my age had a poodle skirt or two and watched the phenomenon of American Bandstand, oohing and aawing over the latest teen idols and their hits. It seems as Boomers, our generation is doing it ag




Going through withdrawal

Some years ago, when I was still in the active duty Air Force, I was an avid runner. I found out just how avid when I was hit unexpectedly by an illness which kept me from even walking much, much less running, for several weeks. I recovered from the illness and returned to running but I never forgot what it felt like to go through that withdrawal. Lately my wife and I have been going through a similar withdrawal. Our beloved motorhome has been in the shop for several weeks because the starter o




Hello FMCA

We already have several blogs, but I still love to try new systems - they just keep getting better. We`ve been living in our Motorhome fulltime for 5 years now. Our first FMCA convention was during our first year, and we`ve only missed one since. Here we are at the St. Paul convention this past summer. We present the seminar Èvery RVer Needs a Blog! I guess we`ll have to update that to include this new FMCA community!




Welcome to Wayne's World

Welcome to "Wayne's World." As the blog description says, this is all about relationships and RVs, and what makes that combination so special. Let me introduce myself first of all. I have always been fascinated with relationships, all kinds of relationships. The relationships of the earth to the moon, stars, and other planets. The relationships of chemical elements to each other. The wondrous relationships of the various components of the human body. And I could go on, but for the last 37 years




Our "Fur kids"

Don't get me wrong. Donna and I love our kids, all 3 of them. They're all grown and married, and we're exceptionally proud of all of them. We always have been. But we have always taught them that we believed job #1 for a parent is to prepare kids to become responsible adults, so we were from their youngest days preparing them to leave the nest. When the last one left, we were ready. I often said, "The empty nest syndrome is just a permanent smile on your face." Maybe we were just fooling oursel




Beware of North Trail RV Service in Fort Myers, Fla.

I just had an experience that has taught me a BIG lesson in dealing with an RV service center. ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS and dont think for a second that a service center has your best interest at heart. They only have your MONEY at HEART. GUESS WHAT? they are not responsible for theft of anything on or in your coach EVEN IF IT IS ATTACHED TO THE DASH OR A PART OF THE DASH!! They had my coach a little over a month called me and said it was ready so I went to get it. Paid the bill while it was pull




Europe by RV for 4 Years

We had never RVed before but we're adventurous. We did our homework as to what we wanted. We landed in Paris in March 2006,rented a car and gave ourselves 2 weeks to find a RV. We were looking for an Integral (like a smaller class A ). We wanted an inside garage to store a small motorcycle. We found one in 10 days. A 2 yr. old 21FT.Knauss with a Fiat diesel engine. We toured France and Spain until the fall and then bought a brand new 25 Ft. Rapido 996M with a Mercedes engine which we took delive




U. S. Forest Service changing camping discounts.

I just read the January FMCA Newsletter. Have you? One article that caught my eye was the one titled - Camping fees The U.S. Forest Service may change its discount policies pertaining to holders of Senior and Access passes. Read more [/color]>> I don't know about you but I worked hard to earn my retirement and part of that was the right to enjoy the National Parks, BLM and National Forest Service campgrounds at a senior rate. As soon as I turned 62 I headed for the nearest National Mon




January 6, 2010 Panama City FL

Wednesday, January 06, 2010 Following our rainy week in Myrtle Beach, SC we moved to Hardeeville, SC which is just north of Savannah, GA. We had a wonderful time there although it did rain a lot. We were able to visit the historic parts of Savannah as well as the resort areas of Hilton Head SC. We ate lunch at a number of the great restaurants in Savannah as well as some nice country cafes in the local area. The seafood continues to be one of the great benefits of visiting this area. The



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