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Sore Feet... days 17, 18, 19, 20 of 32 Day Adventure

Sore feet for both of us... since Monday June 15, we have been tourist every day.... On Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, we bought and used "Hop-on/Hop-Off" tickets from Gray line Tours. We've seen all of the presidential memorials, and Arlington Cemetery and the Changing of the Guard. We saw the war memorials, both during the day and a second time in the evening. On Tuesday we had lunch at the Smithsonian American Indian Food Court, and the food was terrific... we recommend it to anyone. Tue




Whack! ... days 14, 15, 16 of 32, Still in Cherry Hill RV Park

Friday, June 12, Day 14 of 32, Today we took the Metro into Washington DC. We have a 1 PM appointment to tour the Capital. We were able to get connected to our congressional representative's office and we only had 6 folks in our group, and then an Intern led the tour. What can we say about the tour of the Capital... it was great! A two hour tour only touches on the various things to see and hear about our country's history... it is an amazing place. Saturday, June 13, Day 15 of 32, Whack




Young Family Camping

We are a young family with young children that has been bitten by this wonderful nomadic way of life. We live in south Georgia and are part of a group ( we have yet to come up with a name) that goes RVing together. Our group all has young kids ages 16 - 2 and our children have a blast seeing the world (maybe just the Southeast, so far). We recently traveled to Fort Wilderness Campground at Walt Disney World. This campground is awesome for young and young at heart. The kids do not mind leaving




... in Cherry Hill RV Park for 12 days, Leave June 18

Howdy All, This former blog entry is now updated... As mentioned in the last update we are parked at the Cherry Hill RV Park in College Park MD. Because we did not have a toad we requested a space close to the front of the park and the park folks did provide a good location for us. Monday, June 8, Day 10 of 32, we arrived late in the afternoon. Tuesday June 9, Day 11 of 32, We stayed in the park during the day to get familiar with it and to further recover from the food poisoning we had




Listening to Little Voices

Our adventure with our grandsons is almost at an end. Tomorrow we have a day in camp to enjoy some of the relaxation that RV'ing can offer. Since my last entry a week ago, we have taken the two boys, cousins, to several interesting sites and watched their reactions at each location. From our base in Corydon, Indiana, we drove into Jeffersonville, Ind., to visit the Schimpff's Confectionery. This family-owned store has been operated by family members for over 100 years (started in this location




... Day 10 of 32 Adventure

Yippee! We have arrived at Cherry Hill RV Park, in College Park, MD, just next door to Washington D.C. We are set up and already had a pizza for dinner. Total miles driven from Palm Springs CA to College Park MD, 2,863 miles, driven in 7 days or an average 400 miles per day. FYI, to have a more relaxed trip we concluded that we should have planned at least 9-10 driving days (300 miles per day average), with a rest day about every 4 days. That will be our planning technique when we head d




... Days 7 and 8 of the Adventure

.... I wanted to finish day 7's blog, As I wrote before, day 7, Saturday, we were feeling perky and scheduled a number of tourist activities. - We took a Grey Line Tour of Nashville, the highlight was visiting the Country Music Hall of Fame and we got done with that about 1 pm. - We stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch... our first full meal in 3 days. - We purchased Grand Ole Opry tickets online the night before and attended the 7 pm show... which was great! ... at the end of the




.... Days 6 and 7 of 32 day Adventure

... on Day 6, Thursday, June 4, in the early morning, We were both very sick... I was in no condition to get behind the wheel and drive to Branson MO. So we decided to go to Plan B, don't go to Branson MO, but stay in the current KOA campground to recover, then leave tomorrow morning to go to Nashville TN, which is about 700 miles away. That's the best we could come up at the time. By the way, anybody else get food poisoning while on the road? Any remedy suggestions? Still on Thursday, Jun




Grandchildren Rule, Grandpa Drools!

We are in day three of our 11-day trip with our two 8-year-old grandsons. We had a great day at the Evansville, Indiana Zoo on Wednesday. Both boys are really into animals and ran from one exhibit to the next. If there was something to climb on or slide down, so much the better! The Evansville Zoo is a small zoo but the animals are close to the viewer, unlike some larger zoos. They have one tiger, other zoos have more. We were less than six feet from the tiger as he paced his enclosure! The boys




...Day 5 of the Adventure

... Day 5, Wednesday, of the adventure was rather dull, We left the Oasis RV Resort, 2715 Arnot Road, Amarillo TX, and headed East on I-40 to spend the night at the Oklahoma City East KOA CG, 6200 S Choctaw Rd, Choctaw, OK. Along the way we stopped for lunch in Clinton, OK. In late afternoon we arrived at the KOA CG, set the RV up, and all seemed good. We took Dale to the pet area and had some dinner. The campground was well laid out, lots of trees, and the weather was very nice. At abou




... Days 3 and 4 of the Adventure

... and the Adventure continues on Day 3... As was mentioned in an earlier blog posting we planned and did stay in Taos NM an extra day... the intent was to explore both Santa Fe and Taos. However, Santa Fee was a good 1-1.5 hours south of Taos, and the road is winding and slow. So, we stayed in Taos to finish cleaning up the wet carpet in the RV and wash a load of towels. So on Day 3, Monday, we did our chores, and then rented a car to explore Taos. We had a great time. We visited the Taos




On our way!!

We have been to the Escapade in Sedalia, MO, completed family affairs in Missouri and are now heading for Washington state to begin our second sail in the San Juan Islands. And our first in the Canadain Gulf Islands. We will be meeting up with almost twenty other Montgomery sailboats.




We All Live In a Yellow Submarine!

They sound like a couple of angels now, our two grandsons, ages 7 and 8, snoozing on the foldout bed. They have been raised as close as cousins could be and they prize their time together. So I thought it would be a good idea to take the pair on an RV adventure. This will test my mettle, putting them together is like putting a couple of Uranium atoms close together! Stuff happens. It's just good ol' boy stuff. This evening they hauled rocks from one place to another for a while. Then they found




... Day 2 of the Adventure

The second day of the Adventure - The drive today from Flagstaff AZ to Taos NM was mostly easy driving using I-40 to I-25, then at Santa Fe NM, we turned onto state road 525 with the last 100 miles into Taos was a bit more difficult and slow. There was one major problem encountered with the Rig and it was not a actual mechanical problem... I'll blame it on human error, I tried to lay the blame on the dog, but my conscious got the better of me. Here is the problem that happened... In Flags




The Adventure's 1st Day

Here we are relaxing in the Rig at the J & H RV Park in Flagstaff, AZ. We rolled into the RV park about 5:30 PM this evening after driving 407 miles today. Highlights of the Day: - Another on-the-job driving training day for Trudy as she drove on Interstate-10. Trudy drove for an hour or so, and did very well. As a Newbie to RV driving, Trudy had the most stress when the tractor-trailers zoomed passed us (don't we all!) We held our speed to 55-60 mph for best control... and I didn't e




T minus 10 hours and counting down....

A quick update... the "Trip" command center has officially moved from the house to the motor home... computer, printer, and wireless card are working well... Hmmm, other critical last minute items, 30 See's Candy Butterscotch Suckers (for The Boss), and Dale's "Frosty Paws Ice Cream Treats" I did manage to get my own personal stash of beer... Oh, we put on Clamato Juice, Vodka, and hot sauce-all for Bloody Marys; there is a reserve of white and red wine, along with a variety of die




T minus 24 hours 'til Ignition (Turn the engine on)

Howdy. First, as a Newbie to FMCA I wanted to mention that FMCA and the web site have been great! The site is full of good stuff, more than I can get to in one life time -- information on CAT engines, Allison transmissions, tires, and a variety of other information. As we begin our West to East then North to South then East to West trip this coming Saturday we are looking for suggestions to see, do, or eat ... and for input from folks who have previously traveled the byways and highways of Am




Family camping

Tomorrow Donna and I leave for a week trip in our motorhome with two of our three adult children. Not their spouses, not any of the grandkids, just two of our three (the third couldn't get off). Despite what I wrote in my last blog about cherishing time alone, I must admit, right now, we are really looking forward to this trip. It has been so long since the four of us have been together - one of the two who is going is our youngest son, who lives in Wichita Falls TX (845 miles away - we know, we




T minus 3 days, 12 hours

It seems that a true test of a couple's happiness and bliss is surviving the planning of a four- to five-week motorhome trip. I mean, we are having a really good time planning and preparing. However, it's the issue of stuffing a rather full house of things into a 9' x 38' box that is driven over hill and dale ... on smooth and bumpy byways and highways. You have to have the right stuff on board to get by for 30-plus days, and sometimes there may be a difference of opinion as to what should be l




So Much for the Rabbit!

So Much For The Rabbit, or This Too Shall Pass! In England, it’s “White Rabbit.†I’m not sure where or when I picked up this superstition, but probably in college. The first word you utter upon waking the first morning of a new month should be “Rabbit†if you want the following days to bring you health, wealth and wisdom. I’ve been a dedicated utterer Lo! these 50-plus years and have succeeded at indoctrinating two husbands. Until now. May 1, 2009, started like any other firs

Let the Maintenance begin

Who would have thought? A RV dealer that is actually standing by the product he sells. At least he made me happy. Now that the coach is home again it is time to look at some preventative maintenance. I created a checklist of things that need to be done soon. The list looked like this: • Wash, wax, polish the coach • Change all fluids o Engine oil o GenSet oil o Coolant o Brake fluid o Tranny fluid o Diff fluid o Leveling Jacks o Fresh beer in fridge • Check if the coach got Da
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