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Looking For Your OPINION on CLASS A Motorcoaches



My wife Kim and I have been RVing for a few years now and are ready to trade in our 31ft Hurricane Class A motorhome for something a bit nicer. We have been looking at the manufactures information, but as you all know, manufacturer's tend to accentuate the positive and overlook the negative. So we decided to ask the people who live the RV life every day for your opinions. We hope you will take a few minutes to share your thoughts on the various models on the RV market today. We would like to thank you all in advance for your insight and help!!

Regards, Barry & Kim


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We're new to motorhome life but we've learned a lot in the past year. We started with a gas powered 35' Winnebago and traded for an Allegro Phaeton 40' diesel pusher in less than a month. It's a different world with air brakes, air suspension, diesel power in the back, etc. There is no comparison in comfort, quiet, soft ride, power, etc.

The biggest problem we have had is with service. We have worked with four different RV service centers and have been very disappointed with the quality of work. We purchased the Tiffin Allegro Phaeton because we heard great things about Tiffin. We are very pleased with Tiffin in Red Bay, AL -- however, the dealers we have experience with leave a lot to be desired. All this to say, if you're considering a purchase, find a good dealer first! Hang out in the campground if they have one and talk to people. See what people are saying in the service waiting room. Ask around. We have found that truly good quality service is difficult to find -- at least in our area (Northern New York).

Good luck

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My best advise is determine what type of RVing you want to do. We like going to a lot of beaches and out of the way places, which do not allow the largest RV's. We have a 34' 2010 Winnebago Journey Express and love it.

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Well, that is a (you have) tuff choice, we were Vintage trailer people restoring trailers and using them until they sold, lucky for us they would sell in a very short time. After a few trailer's we wanted something much larger, had rented gas powered MH but were very Un-happy the way they drove and how small they all were lack of power, So I started looking for a very kool bus conversion look at quite a few and the prices were very good' but they all have some type of issue or limited usage (most important the Bus values were decreasing at a fast rate like 5th wheels) so after look at buses and smaller MH we stared looking for a large diesel pusher MH some were between 38 & 42 feet, we had 22, 24 26 and 30 travel trailers. Then after months of internet searches and fact finding missions! We came up with CAT or Cummings for Power with 6speed Allison Transmission, Then it was my wife turn to look and find interior features she wanted (that took a while). We shopped all brands and decided that a good used upper end better value Motorhome was what we wanted (we are planning on living in it asap). So we ended up with a CC Magna (Magna because of the deal we made and I like the tag now) we looked at Beavers (good ones) Tiffen (Zephyr model) Monaco and Fort-travel all good values with lots of amenities. Newell and Prevost were out of our price range. We purchased a 600K MH for less than a 1/4 of the cost, buy shopping and making a deal for cash. Seller needed the money! We got much more in our model that we ever expected! ended up with 40ft. Just great for us has 2 slides and lot of cargo area. So In conclusion shop, shop, look, look, check out the brand and the quality the company is or was known for ie. Quality style and reputation. Our coach is now 8.5 yrs old and we are coming up on a 100k no issues to speak of, all problems have been minor. As I stated earlier' do your home work and look for the deals they are out there. I hope this helped a little? Regards' Ross :rolleyes:

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We have been full-timing for the last year and love it. I took several years researching motor homes before we purchased ours used. IMHO the best companies out there are Winnebago, Tiffin, and Newmar at least in the modest price range. All three of these companies have been in business for a long time and have not gone into bankruptcy. Prevost and Newell are way out of my league. Of course you also have to decide whether to go gas or diesel which only you can decide which is best for you. A good source of information on specific makes and models is the forums on iRV2 website as there are forums for Winnebagos, Tiffins, Newmar, and other popular motor home makes. We really like our Winnebago Journey and have had really good luck with it and my FIL is on his third Adventurer and loves them. A good friend of mine, also a full-timer, has a Newmar which he also loves and has had good luck with. So good luck with you hunt for that new motor home!

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Interesting topic.... Fleetwood impress with good advertisement of their models (Discovery being my favourite, specially the 40G that comes with additional berths just for the kids), but it is not the first time I hear complains about Fleetwood. Is it really not the best choice?. I've also considered Foretravel and Tour Master.

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I have a 2008 Damon Astoria Pacifica Diesel pusher. We traded up from a 36 foot Winnebago sightseer. I am finding that the overall quality of the Damon is not what I thought. The trim along the long slide on the driver side over the couch and dining area just fell off one day. When they installed they did not pay attention to being sure the nails went into the wood, ( or I should say fake wood). Also found some missing or not very thick insulation around the doors and windows. As you drive in the winter you better have wool socks as the draft that comes up from the dash board will freeze your feet off. The electrical outlets are all located under the cabinets, not on the walls. In the bedroom around the bed area there are no outlets to plug cell phone, or a alarm clock. They are all over by the dressor. The closet in the rear does not fit a normal hanger to hang clothes, they did not make the closet wide enough. As far as the engine it runs great. If I had to do it again I would look at very detail very very closely. Next time I will go with Winebago or Tiffin, the extra money will be well worht it.

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I also have a 2006 Damon Astoria PE Model 3773, we traded our 1 ton dodge duelly and a 36 forest river cardinal. I purchased the Damon because of the Frieghtliner, allison and cummins combinations. The interior was OK as was the price. The Freightliner, allison and cummins have functioned to standards the interior however has a little to be desired electric outlets are poorly placed we replaced the hanger rod with something more accesible, carpet quality was poor, as well as trim on the outside, no vent for the microwave. The list goes on I do not plan on purchasing another Class A this one will get it done if I did it would be the winnebago tour. We will have the interior redone next year. We live in the motorcoach fulltime since I retired in 2010.

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In the end you spend the money you think you saved by buying cheap.

spend it first and get the best you can you will save in the long run. shop and wait for the best deal they are out ..this a good time of the year to buy.

We just purchased a 2009 newell with all the bells ..Private sale for a third of what it's worth retail. So my advice is look around and make offers very low, you will get bites from those who need the cash fast.

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RVing is NOT a programed sport. Everytime you go out you will learn something new. I served 31 years in the Navy Submarine Service and I love our class A, my wife took some getting use to it, she loves it now.

We looked for over a year, found a 2003 - 33 foot Winnebago Adventurer, gas powered. Kept it four years, made a three month trip out to west coast and back to Ohio. Did not have a problem, performed well. Had a major power surge and burned up several things and while in for repairs came upon a 2005 - 38 foot Fleetwood, Expedition, Cat diesel with three sides. Had many of the extra's that we wanted with low miles. Good buy on Fleetwood, lost some on Winnebago, but new one is great. You will get what you pay for, just like in cars.


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My biggest complain with the RV dealers (and parts sellers) is there pricing, and there obvious wide mark up, especially when you see markdowns of 40K $. If your the person who paid full retail and see this kind of mark down a couple of weeks later it is obviously overpriced. Dealers are keeping alot of people out of RVing as they scare and limit new people.

I wonder how they determine MSRP, not only on motorhomes, but parts as well. It certainly isnt based on actual production costs.

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