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About mcfarland5travel2019

  • Birthday January 10

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  • I travel
    With children

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  1. After a short visit to SLC to get a bit of city life. We left civilization and found a “new kind of pretty” as my kids are saying... words to describe the unique and beauty of the landscape that starts as we head further down into Utah and encounter the red mountains of Capital Reef National Park... "Remember is not just the Destination, but the Joy of the Journey" www.tlpathway.com
  2. Yellowstone Adventures: Snow!!! Yes, I did say snow. We woke this morning to a pristine blanket of snow and crisp weather. We headed early into the park for our trek to Yellowstone Grand Canyon, and a few animals were out. We spotted the familiar Bison and a curious coyote meandering through the snow cover valleys. The majestic pines looked so amazing with their dusting of snow. What awaited at the Canyon was indeed a breathtaking view, and roaring falls, amazing site of the Yellowstone River as snakes its way through the park. Kids played in the snow and we saw more unique geothermal features while being pelleted with more snow.. Highlights: seeing two full size Elk bucks! And the Magnificient colors of the Cayon... 'Remember is just not the Destination, but the Joy of the Journey"
  3. Thank you!!! We love to be able to share with our children and others the beauty of this country's National Parks & Monuments, History and its people.. We feel blessed that we get to travel, while my husband works and I guide our kids through school and we volunteer along the way... Enjoy the Journey!!!
  4. Yellowstone Adventures: Mammoth Springs...have you ever wonder what would it be like to travel to the surface of Mars??? Honestly, after spending days exploring the geothermal beauties at Yellowstone, I feel like I am at a far, far away planet...the terrain, the colors, the smells... all leave you with another world feel... one of the things that is becoming a favorite of mine is the way that trees that are decomposing look in the surrounding landscape ..(stay tuned for my photo collage of those)... but here is our adventure at Mammoth Spring - a cluster of terraces flowing with limestone (calcium carbonate) to create majestic Travertine Terraces of all shapes and colors..and to our delight we had our first encounter (FROM AFAR!!) with a grizzly bear while it munched away at its breakfast... and lots and lots of Elks... "Remember is not just the Destination, but the Joy of the Journey" Follow us: www.tlpathway.com
  5. Yellowstone Adventures: Geysers!!! Today we ventured forth in our Yellowstone explorations... since we are blessed to be able to stay in the area for a few weeks, we'll be able to explore the park at our own pace. So today we explore the beautiful geothermal features the Park is so well known for.. did you know that about HALF of all the worlds geothermal features are found right here at Yellowstone??? Which are fueled by the massive super volcanic caldera...(about 500 of them🤓) and let me tell you be glad these are not scratch and sniff pictures (rotten eggs anyone???), But they sure are beautiful, the range of color and uniqueness leaves you in awe of all the wonders of God's creations... "Remember is just not the Destination, but the Joy of the Journey" Follow us at: www.tlpathway.com
  6. Hope you have not given up!! We are a under "50" and travel with 3 kids and dogs.. there are other that we have met along t he way..
  7. Hi there - Though late to this thread.. no its not hard to Full Time with kids.. there is an entire community that does it. Though in the Class A and other motorhome there maybe less.. there is definantly many that choose this lifestyle.. We have RV for many years with our kids and now do it full time in a motorhome.. So be encourage that it can be done..
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