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Everything posted by wtbuck12

  1. Looks awesome! Got me thinking. 🙄
  2. Thanks for the opinions. Sounds like I'll be adding air before heading home.
  3. Looking for opinions. Left south Louisiana with temperature in the 80's arrived in North Carolina with temperatures in the 30's. Needless to say, tire pressures in the morning are considerably lower, should I adjust back to 95/90 psi or run as is?
  4. What about using automatic transmission fluid like Dexron III?
  5. Those are the numbers I came up with originally. Then I to add a little langnape.LOL I will probably end up between the two numbers. Thanks for you through presentation.
  6. Thanks, guess that means I need to raise the pressure a little more.
  7. Agree, thanks for your input.
  8. Thanks, that's what I was thinking. I would rather be over than under but not excessively.
  9. Thanks for the feedback, I was allowing 5 psi for a safety margin. Is that a bad idea?
  10. Not sure if I'm figuring this correctly. I installed a set of Goodyear Endurance LHS 295/75R 22.5 load range H on my MH and am trying to figure pressure. The front axle weight is 10,420 lbs and the rear is 18,260. I figured 105 psi in the front and 95 psi in the rear should be a safe margin. Does that sound correct, if not what would be the correct pressures?
  11. Thanks moonwink, I appreciate the response, I will definitely do that.
  12. I have not tried any removal methods yet, was hoping for some feedback before doing more harm than good. I would agree with the old age cause, the wheels are 14 years old, and the problem is not on every lug. I will take some pics tomorrow. Has anyone ever tried SharkhiDe spray, someone else suggested that as a coating after removal of the oxidation.
  13. I have coated aluminum wheels on my 06 Charleston and the manual says not to use abrasive cleaners. Recently I noticed an accumulation of white oxidation around some of the lug nuts. My question is how to remove it and prevent it from returning? Any feedback appreciated.
  14. Unless there is air trapped in the pressure line, the response time should be minimal. Oil does not compress significantly and 50 psi on one end of the tube should transmit to the other end quickly. Just my opinion Ronnie
  15. I had a similar looking pair of wipers on a 2000 Holiday Rambler and was able to pick them up at Oriley Auto Parts. Maybe take one off and bring it with you to a parts store.
  16. If I read the post correctly, he was asked what he wanted to do and when did it work last. He stated, "HE wanted to fix it" and it worked "two weeks ago". Is that correct? I am having a similar problem and waiting for an answer.
  17. wtbuck12


    Could it be where the passing lane ends and mergers into one lane?
  18. Thanks tireman9, I appreciate the information.
  19. Really don't know, I was only repeating the Goodyear propaganda. That's why I was asking if anyone on this forum had any experience with these tires.
  20. Did a search and found lots of posts on trailer tires, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Goodyear Endurance lhs tires on a motorhome? I need to replace the tires on my Charleston and am looking at these Goodyear tires 295/75 22.5 load range H. They claim to be smooth riding and more fuel efficient. Any comments will be appreciated.
  21. Thanks Herman. Thanks kaypsmith, I didn't misunderstand your post, they have two air systems. The original system does not use the vacuum booster but their new 2.0 system does use the vacuum booster. I was looking at the 2.0 system.
  22. Update: Spoke with M&G, I was looking at the wrong system. I was lookin at their new 2.0 system, and what I need is the original system, it doesn't use the vacuum booster. Thanks for you inputs.
  23. But they talk about installing a vacuum pump under the hood to keep a vacuum on the brake booster. My truck doesn't have a vacuum brake booster, it has hydraboost, which operates off of hydraulic pressure from the power steering pump. I tried to call M&G but couldn't get through, will try again tomorrow.
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