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  1. On my Norcold it was simple to clean the chimney, it was just like the picture above you pull the rod that is attached to the baffle, Repeat the process several times than either blow out or vacuum the chimney. You will have to remove the roof vent to access the chiminey from the top. Jim
  2. I would expect that generators from your vintage have mechanical governors which are less responsive to speed changes than todays electronic/digital governors. It would be interested to know what the frequency was you were experiencing the problem. I combination of low voltages and low frequency is definitely a problem for induction motors. Jim
  3. Check the breakers on your inverter/charge that are located right on the unit,. Typically they are a push to reset type. Jim
  4. Very well could be a RF18. We have been on the road for a few week and have been traveling in some hot weather, couldn't ask foe anything better. The rig is parked in El Paso while we are in Juarez visiting our son. I checked on it yesterday and refrigerator was 36 and freezer was -2, daily temperatures have been hovering around 100, Jim
  5. The Samsung RF 19 will also fit width and depth wise and only need 2" additional height, I have the Samsung and it works fine with modified sine wave inverter, I believe it the draws lowest amount of AMPS of any residential refrigerators. When operation on the inverter it only draws 10 amps at 12 volts DC. I was able to install thru the coach door. Jim
  6. abyrd

    Tachometer Quit

    Rick, My issues are with my tachometer not the speedometer. Looks like some us signal from alternator and others a pulse generator. I assume that mine uses a pulse signal because there is a label on the tach housing that it is calibrated for 12 pulses per revolution. I'm trying to data and location of the proximeter that provides signal to tach. I will call REV Group when I arrive at my destination, I just started a 5 week road trip and it failed on the first day out. Thanks Jim
  7. Traveled that route last summer in car no major grades, I wouldn't hesitate to travel the route with my 40 footer pulling my toad. Jim
  8. abyrd

    Tachometer Quit

    DD69, Your are correct, 12 pulsed per revolution. my typing was slower that my thinking. An idea on how to check the output of the proximity probe? Thanks, Jim
  9. abyrd

    Tachometer Quit

    No signs of damaged wire in dash behind instrument cluster. My drawing on show tack leads connected to terminal #1 on Tach and going to two connector plug with onlt grey wire coming from tack. Information on tack that is visible without removal indicates tack was calibrated for 12 revolutions. This would suggest that the tack input comes from proximity probe. I will contact REV group tomorrow. In response to Cabbage Hill, cruising was 45 MPH Thanks, Jim
  10. abyrd

    Tachometer Quit

    The Tach on my 2004 Holiday Rambler Endeavor with Cummins ISC failed when cruising down the road. All was fine cruising up Cabbage Hill grade in eastern Oregon and smelt slight odor, look down at instrument cluster all good except tachometer was reading "0". Anyone have experience with failure of tachometer, I assume signal is from engine ECU. I believe the instrument cluster meters are manufactured by VDO. Anyone have any experience or lead on repair facilities? Thanks, Jim
  11. I would check the glow plugs to make sure all of them are working properly, all check electrical connections. I found the main positive battery lead connection on the outside rear of the generator enclosure severely cooroded, cleaned connection and generator started much better and cranking speed was faster. I contributed the corrosion to the salt that is used for deicing roads during the winter. You will need to disconnect the common buss that power each glow plug, they are all connected in parallel. You can check each glow plug with a 12v test light, connect test light clip to 12 v positive then probe each glow plug for connunity, test light will illuminiate if glow plug is good. Jim
  12. Both my tach and speedo float when power is off, they both zero when the switch is on and tach reads correct when engine is running, speedo is all so correct when traveling. JIm
  13. abyrd

    Simple Tires Online

    I would definitely check on the info that Manholt has identified should I consider purchasing from them. I was just exploring to determine if any east coast members had done business with them. Thanks, Jim
  14. abyrd

    Simple Tires Online

    Just type in your tire size and they have list for commercial tires, not RV specific.
  15. abyrd

    Simple Tires Online

    Has anyone done business with this company? They have a large selection of MH tires at great prices and free delivery. Jim
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