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Everything posted by rockylarson

  1. This just appreared on IRV2 forum and maybe of interest to Summit ownershttp://www.irv2.com/forums/f278/anyone-towing-a-grand-cherokee-summit-228540.html:
  2. I had time to look into this and while one of the 4X4 models is towable 4 down the manual that is available on line for this Jeep shows one 4X4 model that is not. You tube videos say look for the led push button(ball point pen type)near the 4X4 selector labeled "N" for the one that is. Also I found references to curb weight for the 4X4's that vary from 4950 to over 5200 lbs which would tax a 5000 lb hitch. Adding a base plate, tow bar, and personal items to the Jeep would........ I am interested in this discussion because I recently chose a Liberty over the Grand Cherokee in over to say within reasonable weights.
  3. My guess is if the Blue Ox adapter isn't what you are looking for then Road Master might have something: http://blueox.com/p-485-bx88185-blue-ox-tow-bar-to-roadmaster-bracket-adapter.aspx
  4. Just curious, what is the curb weight of the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit and the towing capacity (hitch rating) on the 2002 Fleetwood discovery 38 ft?
  5. rockylarson

    HWH Jacks

    Bring you straight jack up an inch or two off the ground and see how much play there is front to back. If your angled jack is within the same amount of play then it is probably normal.
  6. Try Big Boy Toys in Apache Junction out by Superstition Mountains. Dump site and wash bay on site. Fully enclosed private garages. Might have 15/20 amp service but I don't recall. Pricey but the facilities are top of the line. A motel and a campground are on the same corner if needed. They were very friendly and allowed for a partial month when we rented for 10 weeks. BTW their website says outlets. http://www.bigboystoysstorage.com/locations/superstition-location
  7. I use car window paint, the same stuff they write "Just Married" with on back window. In large letters TOW , or in smaller letters CAR IN TOW http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=car+window+paint&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Acar+window+paint
  8. I keep my awning rod/hook handy. The round end inserted under the seal and ran up or down causes the seal to flip in the correct orientation.
  9. I am glad to hear you find such satisfaction in your trip planning. It is great when a plan comes together. Just wanted to let you know there are a few of us that are at the opposite end of the spectrum. 10 years, and 65,000 miles. Once to AK, twice over the great lakes thru Canada, several trips coast to coast and numerous north/south adventures. Never a reservation. We usually decide around 2 or 3 pm how much further we want to go that day then break out the campground references. We often will call after we pick a location just to be sure they are open or if the facilities are not well described. Gives us plenty of time to pick alternatives along our route. We find that less stressful than being destination driven (having to be at a given place) every day. . Good Luck.
  10. We use the Rand McNally portable 7 inch TND (trucker model, pre wi-fi, pre-rv). It rests above my rear-view camera monitor, secured with velcro. It is below the dash line, out of sight and glare, but easy to see, hear and manipulate. Use it mainly to confirm spouse navigation instructions (she prefers scenic, not shortest or fastest options) but we often agree with its offered alternatives. It moves into our toad and rests, again below the dash on a ledge in front of the radio, which we don't use that often. It is most useful for finding POI's along the route and when in a new location. Also speed limit reduction notices, and speeding warnings.
  11. For those coming up from behind that might be paying attention, and are just spatially challanged I have a small placard that says "CAR IN TOW" in the back window of the toad. I also write in 16 inch letters "TOW" with window paint on the toad back window. Then there is the 14 foot canary yellow canoe on top of the toad which I hope gets the attention of those trying to merge from the on ramps.
  12. I found the cause of a similar sound to be the jacks rattling inside their brackets. They are hinged at the top and have some lateral play to accommodate uneven ground. Try grabbing the jack pad or cylinder casing and moving it back and forth. I used a small bungee to hold the casing snug against the bracket in travel mode. It stopped the rattle while moving without interfering with use when leveling.
  13. I use a pair all the time. They are the last thing to be put away, after the antenna's are down, sewer hose put away, water hoses stowed and the power cord stashed. Once around the site for forgotten items and a look see that everything is as it should be and only then are the chocks put away and I am good to go.
  14. I have my adjustable set at 55 but the regulator will go to 60 max. My pump says it will put out 55 but I have never tested it. I moved up from the older 40-45 to the 50-55 and liked the increase so sprang for the adjustable. The closer you get to 100 the more likely you will spring a leak. More here: http://www.rv-dreams-journal.com/2010/05/rv-water-pressure-regulators-related-matters.html
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