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Posts posted by manholt

  1. DODENTHAL, Welcome to the Forum.

    You have probably seen roof mounted open dish or a trackvision pod. Portable units look similar, but they are not attached to coach. You take them out off storage bay at CG and place them in a clear sight area away from coach. You can get them for any satellite provider. Google Camping World and look under Portable satellite receivers and you will see a picture off each and description!

    There are several links here for flat screen TV conversion!


  2. I do mine just like Tom, only difference is, that I have to do inside and outside! Therefore, I go thru the steps slower. If I get interrupted by another camper, I start over. I answer no phone calls, Attach toad, L/R, breaks work, tail lights...then I walk out and look at my departure to see if it's open.

    I don't like GPS, got lost, too many times! I have a photographic memory, in color, so maps are fine!

    I put my phone on silent mode.

    Take your time and enjoy the beautiful country!


  3. rhart, Hi!

    Are you getting the coach from a dealer? There are several out there, that offer a hands on driving school. The Escapees, a chapter of FMCA, also offer a driving school and DP MH school. FMCA, at the rally's, are set up to weight your coach, so is Escapees.

    Congratulation. Oh, Porsche Cayenne, can not be towed 4 down, even if it could, who would want to? Mine is a 08', black/tan. :wub::wub:


  4. simptom43.

    Welcome to the Forum!

    You can Goggle Mission RV Resorts or send a private post to TBUTLER, find him in blogs on this forum, he now lives in the Valley and would know more that me!

    I would take a space for a month and then go out and get to know the area and check out the other parks and resorts! There are the good, better and the ugly. Meet with other RV'ers and get their input.

    Good luck to you and enjoy Texas!


  5. Brett & Rich,

    I have been looking for the Spartan chassis bible and the Cummins Owners Manual for 2 years! I found them today in the vacuum cleaner box...Duh! :angry:

    It's dark outside, so in the morning I will check the clear bubble for coolant, if none visible then I will add distilled water....freezing point is -33F and a 226 F boiling point.

    I do not have a refractometer, so I'll let Cummins in Albuq. NM check everything out, when I come off this Mountain. <_<



  6. New and watch it go thru the line. New off the show room floor, or lot. New Custom built (if you have very deep pockets). Pre owned. Those are the choices and they are all a "crap shoot"! It's been a problem since the first RV came off the production line. Just more so today, than 45 years ago! There are more Class A's on the roads now, just as there are millions more people who want and demand to have one!

    Supply and demand, dictates quality control. I can still remember, where ours was the only Motor Home in the Park and at 26' to 31', we where the biggest coach or trailer on the road. Every once in a while (mostly New England) we would run across a Flexible Conversion!

    Next time your in the area, stop off at Marathon Coach in Oregon, or Liberty Coach in Florida....the coaches you see inn and around the parking lot, are not all there to trade in on a new one...the more "Modern day high tech.", the more problems we have. You would think that for 1.3 to 3 million dollars, you would be trouble free!

    We have even more problems in a "cookie cutter" coach! So, we are left to wonder, who will give us the BEST after purchase service?!

    My 2 cents worth


  7. I just got off Google on a problem with removing stains from toilet. Mine is a Dometic Master Flush and it clearly states to use non abrasive, no alcohol and no petroleum based cleaners! It gives a list off the good and a list off the bad....on the bad list is Pinesol.

    I then checked out our complete waste water system including black, found the same info on no petroleum based powders or liquids!

    I used cleaning bubbles and it works on everything, not just sink, toilet or shower!

    Just thought you would like to know.

  8. All wonderful ideas, in a perfect world! I doubt you will go thru all the steps in panic mod. I have seen the film and been to the seminar and yes it gives you plenty of ideas. So does movies from Hollywood!

    In reality, I'm 6 foot 8 inches tall at 220 pounds and going on 73 years old. I can't get my body to do now, what was easy 50 years ago!!! I have, like you, an escape window in the rear bedroom, side bath and living room. Bath room is the only one with out wood trim and a pretty valance! Go figure....

    I never lock my front door, when I'm in coach and it may not be a perfect escape in the event of fire, but it beats any of the above! My coach has no Propane, so it has to be an Electric short to start a fire!

    Bear in mind, that the only way a window might work for you, is that you and whoever you are with, are going to have to practice over and over throwing out ladder, propping up window and literary exit!!! Works fine in a real house, but?


  9. OK. Just always wondered.

    Coming to Dolores, CO., I had no problem at all. Coolant temp was 196-199, oil temp 202. Outside temp 85 - 95 and CC set at 58mph in 5th and 6th gear!

    Failing thermostat? MPG suck anytime in mountains, I'm at 7218'.


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