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  1. Check out the mid 90's Blue Bird Wanderlodges with the Detroit Series 60 engine. Very well built, top end bus. I have a 1990 BB with the 8v92 Detroit. 475 hp
  2. I own a trucking company, and drive myself. 12's are NOT a common truck tire. Since my Bluebird uses them, I checked at a number of truck stops, and truck tire companies last fall driving around the US. NOT ONE of them carried 12's! 305 is a close replacement.
  3. Agreed. A quart or so is not much. Have you tried just letting it be a quart low? Even with calibrated dip stick, I have had engines that will use some oil all the time, IF I try to keep them at the full mark. If I let them stay near the LOW mark, the oil consumption drops A LOT.
  4. Bingo! I have seen this. Preplumbed to add valve and QD to feed outdoor propane stuff.
  5. 1996 too old? As we have a 1990 BB, we understand the quality of build. We will take that over new SOB!
  6. Strange. I run semi, 130,000 miles per year. I keep track of fuel down to the .01 mpg! Hundredths of a mile per gallon, both electronically and on paper. I have NOT been able to detect any difference between Bio and Non-Bio. Wind, hills, etc make a HUGE difference, a small amount of Bio, NOT.
  7. I would go. Pinholes usually do not get big fast.
  8. Yes, the companies could offer better quality in the MH's, and RV's. Some do much better than others. But, they then COST MUCH MORE, and the vast majority of people buy by price. I have stood in campgrounds with owners who are lamenting the poor quality and problems they are having with a new, or near new, RV. In almost the next breath, they are bragging about how cheaply they bought it! You can buy cheap, or you can buy quality, but it is almost impossible to get both in one package. When offered a 38'MH at $90k, or a 38"MH at $150k, the vast majority buy the cheaper one. Buyers are voting with their $, and the manufacturers are responding to that voting. It is the main reason I went with a 25 year old Bluebird. I wanted quality, but could not afford new quality! So, bought old quality, and put some money away for repairs. Still loving my decision. Most people want "new", and glitz. And CHEAP!
  9. 1990 Wanderlodge, 43,000#. 8V92 two stroke. 6.3 mpg at 65 or so. Not too bad for that weight, and the old, two stroke!
  10. Yes, it is. Although, I would not be able to afford one! It is amazing the quality we got, for a fraction of the price of a new throw away MH!
  11. C-15's in 02 and 03 are good. Pre emissions. If late 03 and later, then they are emissions, and not near as reliable.
  12. Not sure about Cummins, but on the CAT, if you have a manual fuel primer hand pump, replace it. On my CAT C-15 semis, I have had several no start failures, that are fixed by replacing the hand pump. Everything seems fine, cranks good, but will not start. Just replaced one on a 2002 Peterbilt, $108, and you just remove two bolts, take the old one out, put the new one on, and put the bolts back in.
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