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About windchaser

  • Birthday 03/24/1944

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  • Location
    catawba, north carolina
  • Interests
    retired nuclear engineer x navy, avaid sailer my hobby is wood turning member of american assoc. of wood turner (AAW) and North carolina wood turners (NCW).<br />my wife Ina and I have been retired 15 years, we went sailing for the first ten, and we are now land yatching, and are realy just loving it.

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  1. Hi I am going to try to answer some of your questions. The Santa Fe is it a front wheel drive car? If it's a rear wheel drive car then on a dolly you will need to tow it backwards. on the dolly (because the straps will be the only thing holding the car on the dolly) If it's a front wheel drive car the car will be in park while on the dolly, (more support while traveling) Tow dollies have electric brakes or momentum brakes which help stop your car. You can mount a front wheel on the tow dolly to help you move it around. Most RV resorts have storage places for tow dollies. However some don't I used one to tow a an Acura for 2k miles It was great, However when I bought a Tracker, I needed to tow the tracker backwards on the dolly. I got the dolly on Craigs list, with brakes for $950.00, my RV can with a mounted electric brake unit. Shop around. I now use a Blue Ox to tow my Ford Ranger, I tow it flat four down, It's a stick shift and made to tow with everything in neutral, with the key on, however I need and use a brake buddy to help stop the truck. (2k#). Cost of blue ox >$900 + adapter for truck $350. Brake buddy $750. It may be a better tow. I will tell you this, it is far easier to unhook a Blue Ox then removing a tow from a dolly, You can't back up with either the tow dolly or the blue ox. unless you are a great great driver. Any way you look at it, its a toss up and your choice. If your Santa Fe is a front wheel drive car I would get a dolly with electric brakes and a front wheel.
  2. Hi all: Just one question, do you have insurance? My brother-in-law had the same accident with his trailer. His insurance company replaced the roof for the deductible. Would contact my agent. to see if you are covered. I know a new roof is not cheap, and it looks like you need a whole new roof. Jim Moore
  3. Hi All: I have two slides on my motor Home, the front slide has a sofa on it, and is quite large, It has left me in a lurch twice once and one out. What happened is the pins on the shaft of the spider gear brakes, the first time while the slide was in, which means I could not slide out the slide. the other time It broke while the slide was fully out. this was the worst. as I was just leaving my CG in Fla for home. I and some fellow campers picked up the slide and pushed it back into place. I braced the slide from the inside with a broom stick. and took off for home. We got on a ruff road and the slide started to slide out. Pucker pucker, Had to stop and push it back in. We had planed to stop at a company which sold screening material, They gave me some dunage (2x4"s) which I cut to tightly fit behind the inside fram and the out side wall at the side and top of the slide. This kept the slide in until I could get home and to my RV dealer for repairs. I might add this repair was not cheap. One note I keep the 2x4 in my storage compartment. Also there are two breakable pins on the slider gear. I managed to brake both. You need to be a very small person to get into where the motor/shaft is to replace them. I am not a small person. I would suggest you be very gentle when you slide out your slides. JIM MOORE
  4. Hi All: 1. I am a veteran, insured by USAA for 39 years. auto, home and at one time a large sail boat. (no boat now). 2. They will insure any and all honorably served veteran no matter how long the length of service or what branch. 3. They do not insure Motor home or boat now as in the past. They farm this out to Progressive thru their General Accounts firm (USAA Progressive Branch). 4. Progressive has " 0" deductible after four years of no claims. 5. My motorhome cost $55K four years ago (No claims so far). Originally my insurance was $500.00 for several years with $250 deductible. My insurance this year is $431.00 for 55K for 12 months, with "0" deductible. However, this is only because I have had no claims for the past four years. 6. A final note you will find out more about your insurance company then you want to know after you have a major claim. After "Hugo" I had claims on home, boat and two cars. USAA made no hassle at all and paid up nicely. 7. In insurance I think you get what you pay for if you are with a good company.
  5. Hi All: 1. You will need your passport. 2. You need to see the falls at night and in the daytime. 3. Parking at this time of the year is difficult on both side of the border. 4. At the falls there are fees for everything. 5. When I visited the falls I stop at the Greyline tour site and purchased a day and night tour, when we arrived s in the afternoon, we asked to stay at the parking lot, Greyline allowed us to stay the night because we would not return from our tour until 11pm. they also have a electric plug (15amp). we dry camped. 6. We saw all the major sites at night, great light show, then stayed in the parking lot and did the day tour the following morning. I think the cost for two seniors for both tours was $300~. If we where to drive and park and get in line for all the sites we took in, we would have had to spend several day on both sides of the border and just about the same price. With the tour there was no hassel. Enjoy your trip. Good luck JIM MOORE
  6. Hi, Sort of a new question for the experts. I have a 2011 for Ranger XL. I hope to tow this Ranger with my Geogie Boy. The XL is 5 speed manual trans. My questions is, will the mileage add up on the flat tow and if so how do I stop the odometer from registering? The message ign before stated a Ford list for towing. Jim Moore windchaser
  7. Hi All, We have a leak in the passenger side front, we have tried all the methods listed on this post with little or no success. The leak happens only when it rains. After an Internet search we have discovered a method of leak detection which we are thinking about using. Its the Sealteck 430r system in which the unit is pressurized and a leak detector is sprayed (soap) on the outside of the coach. Has any one on the forum used this method before and how successful was it? We do have several RV service dealer in the area that use it. This leak has stumped us Jim & Ina Moore
  8. I also have a leak in my passenger side footwell and have tried all the suggestions on this post, have resorted to asking help from the Internet and found a system called Sealteck 430R for detecting leaks. In researching it I found that Campingworld uses this system as well as two others RV repair facilities in my area and am thinking about trying it but would like to know of someone that has used this system and how successful it was and what was used for sealants when leak found. Thanks for info Ina
  9. Boy o Boy you guys have the info. I just called Ramco and I am in the process of ordering a switch. Thank You Brett JIM MOORE
  10. My wife just found the name Ramco engineering, number is GLS 601 12v This was on the mirror. JIM MOORE
  11. Hi All I have a switch problem. My outside mirror control switch on the dash board of my Geogia Boy Landau has failed i.e. will not function, and appears to be stuck on the drivers side. I can adjust the drivers side mirror but not the passengers side. I don't think I can repair the switch so i need a new one. I have called several RV dealers with little success. Does any one on the FMCA have a source for such a switch? Thank You. Jim Moore Catawba, NC
  12. Hi Welcome to FMCA forum . We are going to the 2 nations rally on the 4 th and then heading to Prince Edward Island after the rally. We will probably following on the same path as you will be following. We have looked up several camp ground on US route 2 ( our primary route, from VT) and the Canada routes also) and made some contacts with several CG on the routes. However we too would be interested in any info the membership has an rest areas and pull outs along the way. This will be our first trip out of country with our RV so any other tips about border crossing and such would be greatly appreciated. This FMCA travel forum has help us prepare for this trip. Thanks. Jim & Ina Moore Catawba, NC
  13. Hi All: I have all my insurance thur USAA: They insure my cars, home. and my RV is innsured by USAA thur their RV carrier" Progressive". I was a naval officer, I have been with USAA for 38 years. This is not an ad for USAA, but you might check them out for all your insurance needs. (1-800-531-8111). USAA will now insure any vet who served honorably. Jim Moore georgia boy class A 24.5' Catawba, NC 28609
  14. boy my finders slipped they are MICHELINE XRV 225/70R 195. RADIAL one of the back tire had a strange number pattern PV 147 06-55026-01 in the area of the dot date. my front tires are HJYB AV 9 DOTX 3802 and DOT 4602 I think I will have my tires removed on the back and check for the dot dates next time i am in a rv shop however my other concern is I have a tire insurance policy. I wonder if the insurance company will cover me if I have to need them? As they are colsed for business today i will call and report back--i.e. i can report the need for emergency repain but not the business side. thank you again for your concern. Hppy trails fair winds and following seas jim moore squid,
  15. Hi All: Thank you for your concern. I crawled under the coach and you'll never guess No numbers on the inside tire either.so both tires are with the dot date of manf. on the inside of the tires but your right they are the same tires
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