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About bandorr2000

  • Birthday 07/04/1947

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    Cinnaminson, Nj

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  1. bandorr2000


    FINALLY found a local dealer to get my tires. Ordered today.
  2. bandorr2000


    I understand the steps to take. However, none of the Hankook dealers I have talked to, listed by Hankook, have any idea what I am talking about. I also talked to dealers who handle Michelin, and get the same response in this area, thus my confusion.
  3. bandorr2000


    Would like to get my new tires through the discount program from FMCA, but can find no one in the Southern New Jersey/Philadelphia area that has even heard of the program. Is there a list of participating dealers anywhere?
  4. Well, after talking to 2 MD State Police troopers, I don't stop at any of the MD weigh stations. When I showed them the email response I mentioned above they shook their heads. Just to make sure they weren't wrong they made a couple of phone calls. They both assured me that, unless I was in a commercial endeavor, and marked or registered as such, there was no requirement to pull into their weigh station at any time. So ignore the ALL VEHICLES OVER 5 TONS must enter.
  5. I installed the GWC Control Panel on my Win 7 desktop and wife's Win7 laptop. Works great. http://ultimateoutsider.com/downloads/
  6. Just stayed over Memorial Day weekend at a new, and still under construction, CG called Swan Bay Resort. http://www.swanbayresort.com/ Very nice place, looking forward to going back there.
  7. Talked to my Toyota dealer about my '08 Prius and wifes 2012 PriusV, can only dolly, NO flat towing.
  8. Just finished an approx. 3300 mile, 11 state, 3 week trip. Was ( pleasantly ) shocked to average 9.89mpg. 2014 Thor Palazzo 35.1, 2015 Chevy Equinox LT toad.
  9. Mine is centered, about a foot or so from the top. Haven't had any issues with it being read there.
  10. One: Glenn A. Duba Two: US NAVY Three: 1965-1968 Four: AX3 ( Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician Five: AMD-ASW shop Six: List where you served. Great Lakes for basic, Memphis ( Millington, TN ) Electronics school, Patuxent River ( MD ) NAS/NATC
  11. I just had Signarama make me a set of 4 vinyl ovals - no holes, looks great. The 2 extras will be held in reserve in case something happens to the ones on the coach.
  12. And what model Sentry am I looking for? My coach has a "mud room" cmpt that we don't use, would like to bolt some type of safe in that location. Love the freezer idea though.
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